Recent content by ChipD3B22

  1. C

    Leaking water inside - filter clogged?

    I have a 2012 grand cherokee overland and recently, it has started doing something almost all my other grand cherokees have done which is leak water iinside, such as on my foot, and in some places in the front roof area (door frame and where sunglass holder is) I remember from jeeps past that...
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    Possible Alternator Problem?

    well, I had taken it to my mechanic who hooked a couple of machines up to it and said the battery was bad... does a load test use equpment similar to the units that hook up to the battery with clamps? Anyway, the machanic said it was bad so I took it to wal mart because that is where I got the...
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    Possible Alternator Problem?

    thanks, I just took it to walmart because I had the battery tested and it only had 5 volts but when I took it walmart to exchange it they said that the battery just needed recharging and showed me something that said it now had over 12 volts - well i drove it and the next time I tried to start...
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    Possible Alternator Problem?

    Thanks guys, sorry about the missing info 2000 Jeep Grande cherokee laredo 4x4 6 cylinder The reason I dont suspect the battery is a) it is less than a year old and b) the sputtering problems I mentioned could a battery problem cause the intermitent sputtering (please read the post for the...
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    Possible Alternator Problem?

    Hello, For the past couple of months, my jeep has been on and off, having problems starting up fully - it will sputter and I have to keep pressing the gas until it "catches" - it typically happens after I have been driving around all day (it never happens when I start it in the morning). I...
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    Transmission Question

    Thanks steelheadz, good to hear the transmission isnt neccesarily going out on me...
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    Transmission Question

    I have a 2000 jeep grande cherokee with about 160K and my transmisssion keeps acting up. I know my jeep is old but the transmission only slips when I make turns or if I am heading up hill - is it possible that the fluid is just low or does this sound like the transmission is going to drop soon...
  8. C

    Which fuse is for tail lights in 2003 Grand Cherokee laredo?

    I know this sounds stupid but I am looking at the fuse diagram and none of them sound like they are for the tail lights... Brake Switch? BCM Cluster? does anyone know off hand what the fuse description is for the brake lights or just know which one it is? Thanks in advance