Recent content by J Smith

  1. J Smith

    Two basic things have not changed in politics. Politicians still respect and listen to masses of...

    Two basic things have not changed in politics. Politicians still respect and listen to masses of VOTERS and those willing to offer cash to their reelection coffers. The United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA) represent the "voters" in the One Voice program. This makes YOUR membership in...
  2. J Smith

    Up to 75% of motorized trails on public lands were closed in the last 10 years. “One Voice” is...

    Up to 75% of motorized trails on public lands were closed in the last 10 years. “One Voice” is Regaining Your Motorized Trail Freedom… The Off Road Business Association is now working with the United Four Wheel Drive Associations in a partnership named "One Voice”. One Voice is already...
  3. J Smith

    Sorry to take so long to see your reply. There are some apparent misunderstandings, though. The...

    Sorry to take so long to see your reply. There are some apparent misunderstandings, though. The AZOHVC is not a member of United at this time. This is sad as we have a new partnership with the Off Road Business Association (ORBA). One Voice is the name of the program. I'll add a description of...
  4. J Smith

    steering stabilizer

    First of all, these do not "stabilize" anything. They are technically a "steering dampener". They dampen the tendency for the violent feedback you get when hitting a rock or other obstacle. With one, when you hit an obstacle, you won't usually get the steering wheel violently turning. This...
  5. J Smith

    Sudden drop in performance and gas mileage

    One thing I don't see mentioned in this thread is your exhaust. There have been times that weird things happen in Catalytic converters and mufflers that will intermittently plug the exhaust flow. This too would mean a serious drop in power and the smell you speak of. If the power drops along...
  6. J Smith

    Hello. Just curious about why you use the United Four Wheel Drive Associations logo? I am on...

    Hello. Just curious about why you use the United Four Wheel Drive Associations logo? I am on the Board of Directors of UFWDA. As far as I know, there is no problem, but just curious.
  7. J Smith

    I have tried everything for my death wobble

    You don't give much info, so I have to make many assumptions. (Mileage, normal uses, does it start at certain speeds, what suspension did you add, would be questions I would like to know about) I don't know if the people you have taken it to are true Jeep QUALIFIED, but I will assume not if...
  8. J Smith

    shimmy after highway bumps

    When you change ANY suspension with a lift of any kind, you change a lot more than you probably know. I agree with a post above about having the alignment checked. Your toe is very likely out and that will be your problem. But while they are under there, ask them to check EVERY joint --...
  9. J Smith

    I have tried everything for my death wobble

    I wrote this article several years ago. It was written before the JK, but all still applies. The track bar mounts are the big difference from the TJ to the JK. The comments about the bolt holes still apply. Jeep uses very light metal that provides a very minimum of bearing surface and is...
  10. J Smith

    TJ's Rear Brakes...

    There is a very good chance that you have a pinched brake line going to the the rear. When you back off the brakes and everything free-wheels on the jack, you think everything is fine. But when you step on the brakes, the brakes applies but can't properly back off due to the fluid not flowing...
  11. J Smith

    Death Wobble and repairing it.

    I don't know if you are attempting humor or are serious. Anyone would expect to have "feedback" from a badly out of balance tire. That would be felt as wheel hop or if it is severely dynamically unbalanced, as a vibration in the steering wheel… but NOT Death Wobble (if your suspension and...
  12. J Smith

    Death Wobble and repairing it.

    On some other Jeep related blogs, you will find threads about Death Wobble. The more I read some of them, the more I see people who don't "know more than a 5th grader" about the subject; telling others how to repair something they know nothing about. The amount of misinformation, from guys who...
  13. J Smith

    Saving up for a Jeep, which one should I get? Cj, Tj, or Yj

    The first thing you want to do is answer this question: Where am I going to drive it most? You must know this before making any serious decisions about what Jeep to buy. If you're only going to the mall, it's not going to matter a lot. If you are planning some serious 4-wheeling, then you may...
  14. J Smith

    CJ7 4x4 questions

    FYI, the basic reason for locking hubs is that while you are running on the highway, if the hubs are UNLOCKED, you are not unnecessarily turning all the gears and drive shaft in your front axle. (less drag and wear and tear) When you plan to go wheeling (off-highway), lock in the hubs when you...
  15. J Smith

    Look what was waiting for me when I got home

    Depending on where and how they mount, they could leave a major knot on your head.