Recent content by Justice035

  1. Justice035

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    I went on the Super Bright LED site. They have a menu where you can enter your jeep info and it will show you what lights fit your dash. Used 5 of the T-74 for the instrument cluster and 3 of the neo-4 wedge base for the HVAC. If you also want to change the color of your high beam then...
  2. Justice035

    What did you do to your Jeep today?

    I went with the green LED's
  3. Justice035

    Need help with tail light

    For anyone else that is not mechanical inclined like myself; the answer is that on the connector is a "button"; once pressed the connector will disengage with only a fair amount of pull.
  4. Justice035

    Need help with Installing fog lights

    Excellent! Thanks so much for taking the time to help. I ordered the Mopar lights; just waiting on snail mail
  5. Justice035

    Need help with tail light

    I'm trying to install the rear tail light guards; I'm on my back, reaching up under the rear wheel well but with all the dirt falling I can only use one hand and can not figure out how to unplug the light pigtail....please help. I took pics
  6. Justice035

    Need help with Installing fog lights

    Are all 06 TJ's pre-wired for fog lights? I checked under the wheel well but not sure what I'm looking for. I will have to wire it to a dash switch. I would greatly appreciate a write-up.
  7. Justice035

    Bestop XL Extend-a-Trunk and Cargo cage

    Bestop XL extend-a-trunk and cargo cage. They are in used condition but not bent. I am in Atlanta, will sale together or separately, open to all reasonable offers.
  8. LED dash change

    LED dash change

    Installed green LED's
  9. FOR SALE  XL Extend-a-trunk with cargo cage

    FOR SALE XL Extend-a-trunk with cargo cage

    Remove the seats and hide your loot from peering eyes. The cage is removable; and helps keep your things from sliding. Used condition; will sale separately; open to offers.
  10. Her Birthday

    Her Birthday

    The day she was purchased
  11. Her Birthday

    Her Birthday

    The day she was purchased
  12. Justice035

    Good Morning and thank you for welcoming me to the Jeepz forum. I try to learn from other mods...

    Good Morning and thank you for welcoming me to the Jeepz forum. I try to learn from other mods but will probably have specific questions; so thanks in advance for your patience and help. :???: I am waiting on Mopar fog lights to arrive; I hear that the 06 Jeeps are prewired but.......I can't...
  13. Justice035

