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  1. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Flies sounds delish. I normally just give them blood worms and shrimp. I bet they'd like flies. Here fishy fishy fishy
  2. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Had a fish jump out of the tank today. Musta been depressed.
  3. TrailRatedRN

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    Water the plants
  4. TrailRatedRN

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    Wax on. Wax off.
  5. TrailRatedRN

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    Everybody was Kung Fu fighting
  6. TrailRatedRN

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    Born in the USA!
  7. TrailRatedRN

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    What's today's special occasion?
  8. TrailRatedRN

    Funny picture thread!

    Sad days.
  9. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    International skeptics day... I find that hard to believe. National skeptics day, maybe, but I'm a little skeptical about that.
  10. TrailRatedRN

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    The Brown's won because someone told them to break a leg.
  11. TrailRatedRN

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    Yup. One complaint of many
  12. TrailRatedRN

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    I hate working on full moons. Brings out the craziest complaints.
  13. TrailRatedRN

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    Meth, huh. You must have a more daring and exciting web browser than me.
  14. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Okay, I googled puddle footing and I only find info about puddles and laying concrete foundation. Wtf does puddle footing mean?
  15. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    I like the way you think.
  16. TrailRatedRN

    Funny picture thread!

    Good to know
  17. TrailRatedRN

    little tune ups?

    I had never been instructed to run over 3300 rpm's before now. What is the benefit to the engine? If you do interstate driving, is it still necessary?
  18. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    And in the morning, I'm makin' waffles!
  19. TrailRatedRN

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  20. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Pirate Day = Leif Erikson Day