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  1. TrailRatedRN

    Funny picture thread!

    She insisted it landed in that position. You calling her a liar?
  2. TrailRatedRN

    Funny picture thread!

    My coworker dropped her glove...
  3. TrailRatedRN

    Performance chips debunked

    Are you thinking of buying a cheap performance chip? Think again.
  4. TrailRatedRN

    Soft top off while traveling

    Will you be traveling at highway speeds? Traveling that fast for a couple hours without a top will make your hair hurt. I've driven my unlimited with the sunrider open on several occasions and never noticed a problem with bugs getting trapped in the material.
  5. TrailRatedRN

    Funny picture thread!

    Bad dog
  6. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Lol. You got me. It was a couple bites. That's apple cider
  7. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Mmm. Great way to sate my mouth on a Friday night. I would have taken a picture before I took a bite, but I didn't have the will power to wait.
  8. TrailRatedRN

    Jeep got dented this weekend

    I'll bet your heart skipped a beat when that happened!! Were you driving very fast?
  9. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Ivan Pavlov walks into a bar and orders a drink. While he's there, the phone rings. Pavlov jumps up and says, "damn it! I forgot to feed my dogs!" Learned that one at work today.
  10. TrailRatedRN

    Funny picture thread!

    Said every emergency room employee and first responder ever!!
  11. TrailRatedRN

    Happy 4th of July!

    I'm typing this in all caps on mobile and it posts in lower case... ???
  12. TrailRatedRN

    Happy 4th of July!

    Usa usa usa
  13. TrailRatedRN

    Funny picture thread!

    LMAO. Nice.
  14. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Classic coincidence
  15. TrailRatedRN

    Funny picture thread!

    Got this from a MBJWC member.
  16. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Lol. I never understood why they have the Statue of Liberty on the cover of the blu ray box. Kinda ruins the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it.
  17. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    There weren't any cars in that movie
  18. TrailRatedRN


    I'm all for synthetic primarily for the color. I love blue. Lol. JK. My number one reason for choosing the synthetic is safety. I also think it's easier to handle. Whatever you get make sure you get an adequate length and breaking strength.
  19. TrailRatedRN

    Last person to comment wins $20

    Classic movie
  20. TrailRatedRN

    Simple Green

    Holy moley, that's his wife?! Those are the most natural boobs I've ever seen.