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  1. Special_K

    Who needs sleep?? Not me, apparently.

    :lol: :lol: :grin: Ants, you're awesome...and you're always welcome. :D Looking at my own mug just ain't cuttin' it. So its all settled then? You & me and the fireman can hook up with the doc and everyone's happy. Win-win. ;) Uh oh. Maybe I am a dirty old man in which case I'd have...
  2. Special_K

    Who needs sleep?? Not me, apparently.

    Well I couldn't sleep so I figured...why waste valuable time unsuccessfully trying to sleep when I can very successfully surf the web. So here I am, surfing the web, trying to figure out what to tell fellow jeepz dot com'ers. I know... I'm back...bigger, badder and better than ever!! Naw...
  3. Special_K

    Where are you?

    Hehehe. Red wings? Um...maayyybeee...never!! As for Denver, I'll likely be out to visit a few times even before I move...just cuz I like Colorado. You ski? I do, but I suck...kindof...but I still enjoy it. I'll be sure to look you up if/when I do.
  4. Special_K


    Sorry to hear that thoughtr10t. My prayers are with you. It may not make losing your dad any easier right now, but you are fortunate to have had the last few days to reconcile. Many people never have that time and they spend much of their lives regretting what went unsaid or undone. Stay...
  5. Special_K

    Where are you?

    Hey Mingez, you still moving to Denver in January? So exactly how many days before you're an Av fan? hehehehehe? My move timeline is still uncertain. I recently got a cool place in an even cooler location here but that won't necessarily preempt my move. It could slow my timeline a teenie...
  6. Special_K

    Ok, I had to post it.

    Oooooh!!! And I get a senior member red dot! I do feel special, I do. :) I'm still getting used to this new forum format.
  7. Special_K

    Ok, I had to post it.

    Interesting. I read the first few pages then skipped to the last. I can't stand scammers and I do think the guy learned a good if not tough lesson but I also agree with Lady & Twisted. It became a mob mentality "pile on" after about page 3 and I'd bet that at least a few of the people piling...
  8. Special_K

    Are you a Democrat, Republican or Southern Republican

    Cops Nab Sex Offender Clad In Rope, Feces :roll: :roll: :roll: 'nuff said.
  9. Special_K

    Hockey's Finally Back!!!

    whooo weeeee!!! :D
  10. Special_K


    90XJ: I just went back and reread your message with, to be honest, the initial intent of defending my point. However, I have to admit that I cannot defend my points accusations above as I expected. I did react much more abrasively than your message justifies and I'm now wondering why and how...
  11. Special_K


    Gen Chat Katrina 90XJ: I generally don't get personal, but I find your comments, quite honestly, pathetic. Sparky: You say this has nothing to do with race...I find it hard to believe that 90XJ's comments about the "working man" (wink wink) and the "they" vs. "we" would be so laced if the...
  12. Special_K

    What President Bush's reply to Cindy Sheehan should say.

    As one philosopher stated: "Support your country always. Support your leaders only when they deserve it." Sometimes, supporting your country means crticizing your leaders -- especially when the leaders are leading your country down the wrong path. Most of you know my opinion on this matter so...
  13. Special_K

    Colorado Trail suggestions

    Re: RE: Atlanta Hmmmmmm. Coloradoooooooo.
  14. Special_K

    Atlanta's 11 Least Influential People

    I think you may be's very peculiar post. The oxygen may have been a bit thin when I posted it. <picking up megaphone> :!: PEOPLE, THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE HERE - PLEASE KEEP MOVING. THANK YOU. :!: <putting down megaphone> There, that ought to take care of it. :wink:
  15. Special_K

    Atlanta's 11 Least Influential People

    I got a kick out of was in a local weekly "Creative Loafing". I'm paraphrasing... "The sedentary. The slackers. The ineffectual dreamers who leave no mark whatsoever on Atlanta. * Jeanie Diamond: Roswell receptionist happy despite being ignored at work, home. Husband keeps...
  16. Special_K

    Its Hotter than....

    Re: RE: Short in Cig Lighter socket? "Now that's hot." - Carl's Jr. commercial Or see the whole 60 second commercial here (only the 30 sec version is shown on TV): I've never been one to care all that much for Paris Hilton, but........after watching this...
  17. Special_K

    Goin' back to colo, colo, colo...

    Maybe so. And it's not so much that I have to avoid crowds. I don't mind people, I just don't like overdevelopment. What makes Colorado nice is its natural beauty...making it look like (overdeveloped) Los Angeles would ruin that...that's what I was referring to. I may even consider living in...
  18. Special_K

    Goin' back to colo, colo, colo...

    Clutch problems Forsberg, Shanahan, Naslund...what about Special_K? This post was all about ME!!!! MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEEEE!!!! So let's all start talking about ME! ...right now!! *** Only kidding. Just becuase I'm unstable doesn't mean I'm crazy. :) And Mingez, so I don't come across...
  19. Special_K

    Goin' back to colo, colo, colo...

    Wanna feel smarter? There's this really cool Blue Spruce tree that I saw last time I was in Colorado, so I think I'd like to live close to that tree...or one like it. JK. Basically, I dunno yet. Maybe Boulder/Outskirts of Denver, C-Springs, Castle Rock. I'll figure it out. But I claim...
  20. Special_K

    Goin' back to colo, colo, colo...

    FINALLY SOLD!!!!96' 4.0 motor STEAL IT!!!! I've determined today as I was flying from Boise to Denver that I'm definintely moving back to Colorado. The only question now is...when? I've been contemplating it for months (if not years) but I think I've come to a conclusion today. Atlanta's...