Search results

  1. T

    Secret Lives

    Full Time Husband Full Time Dad to the greatest 8 (soon to be 9) yr old girl in the world Child of God Web Designer/Developer (Yes, I do both)/Graphic Designer(Yep, that too) Part-time bass player Part-time Photographer Full-Time trying to find the least expensive gas so I CAN go wheelin'
  2. T Spring Giveaway - sponsored by Muddy Rocks Offroad

    I'm in, I sure would like to have a Hi-Lift :D
  3. T

    Petition to save Johnson Valley

    There's a petition being circulated to save Johnson valley, home if the Hammers, from annexation by the Marine Corps. I'm in complete support of our troops, but we really can't let this happen. The link is here. I've already signed it.