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  1. C

    Im new here with a new jeep.

    1051560 Well I am new to here and of owning a jeep wrangler. I consider myself lucky to finally have one. I have always wanted one and recenly got one. I only ogt it. well parents paid for it, and i have pay back half of it to them... But I'll cut to the skinny. It was only on the lot for 3...
  2. C

    I have SOME questions...

    1052613 Well I hope you can give me some answers...... Well first off call me caustious if you will but I was wondering whats the best thing to clean my soft top windows with and does it matter what i clean the soft top with? LIke just normal car soap? and I can use a rag and scrubber thing on...
  3. C

    neverending snow....

    1055378 I am here in maryland and We have nearly 2 feet of snow and it wont end for another 6 hours. THere is a state of emergency going on which means I cant go out and drive in it. They are calling it the strom of the century here. Well looks like no school or work for me for a while....So im...
  4. C

    muffler problem

    1055606 Well I am not sure where I mentioned it here or at another board. Moving on.... a while ago my friend told me I had a muffler leak. I looked for it and couldnt find it and left it as it. But today my mom took it to work in the snow because she HAD to go there. I hate her driving it...
  5. C

    Muffler problem... or something like that....

    1055607 Well I am not sure where I mentioned it here or at another board. Moving on.... a while ago my friend told me I had a muffler leak. I looked for it and couldnt find it and left it as it. But today my mom took it to work in the snow because she HAD to go there. I hate her driving it...
  6. C

    Jeep Magazine

    1058612 Well I was wondering what jeep magaiznes there are out there. Either for news on jeeps or for odering parts and other stuff from. I have a Essentials and a JCwhitney, but thats it. steve[addsig]
  7. C

    no doors with interior light on

    1059174 Okay it was a nice day on sat and i was with my friend adam up in baltimore and we took the doors off on the way home and the interior light was on. So I was wondering whats the best way to keep it off so the batter doesnt go dead when i leave the car? SHould i eventually put a switch...
  8. C

    TJ Light problem

    1068986 Earlier today I was four wheelin and went through alot of waterand afterwards it was getting around darkk and had the lights on for a bit. So Still having the fun with the other jeep that was with me and when we were leaving i noticed this.... It was my left blinker light in the...