Search results

  1. superj

    NEW 32RH Transmission dipstick

    this parts jeep was missing hte transmission dipstick and the one from the 42rle in the 03 wrangler is to long. i have been googling a replacement and they are crazy expensive on ebay, 200 bucks-ish. the dealer no longer has them and shows no longer available. so i did some researching and...
  2. superj

    got another tj

    we picked up an 02 sport yesterday afternoon. it has been sitting since 2019 since the guy had a heart attack and then the crank sensor went out. he said he cannot work on anything anymore so it just sat. it was his beach jeep so the underside is pretty rusty but the engine and trans are...
  3. superj

    soft tops in the snow

    i have a question guys, do soft tops need to be treated any differently when you are in the snow? not so much the vinyl black part but the windows? do i need to be particularly careful when its very cold or the windows will split or crack? we have had lots of wranglers over the years, i...
  4. superj

    jl rear bumpers

    its kind of hard to find a decently priced rear bumper for a jl taht has a spot to put the license plate. it appears alot of companies jumped into making the rear bumpers like the older wrangler bumpers and didn;t put a spot to the mount the plate so you have to jerry rig something up on your...
  5. superj

    Wife's birthday stuff got installed

    I showed yall the steps she chose. Well, now she had a rocj guard on the hood and a new front bumper. The fog lights were supposed to mount right up but i had to mod the factory bracket (means cut part off) to get the fogs to sit in the tubes. Anyways, everything is good now and she is trying...
  6. superj

    Upgraded from 5 to a 7 inch screen on the jlu

    The wife was complaining about that small 5 inch screen for backing up and wanted one of those huge 12 inch phoenix tablets installed. I was dead against that but i didnt mind going up to a larger stock screen. So i have been kind of watching marketplace for a screen to show up and magically...
  7. superj

    the 03 rhd tj is still down

    and who knows for how long. after our fun with transmission valve bodies and the worsening of the transmission because of that, i have gotten to the point of replace or send for overhaul the 42rle. well, it turns out that replacing and overhauling cost very similarly, between 2000-5000...
  8. superj

    Added remote start to the 2019 jlu

    The wife was complaining about not having remote start on this jeep, versus her last however many cars and suvs having it. I did some checking and startx makes a plug and play kit for the jl jeeps. So, i ordered it and put it on this morning. Its a bit different than the last few times i have...
  9. superj

    Wife's new wrangler

    My wife got another silver four door wrangler. Her last one was the 07. We do still have the 03 silver tj so apparently we like silver, ha ha ha Anyways, its got the turbo alfa romeo engine and hybrid set up. Its an impressively quick set up and gets awesome (for a jeep) gas mileage. Its a...
  10. superj

    the blue angels

    those guys are tearing i up overhead this week. they fly in south texas every year, either here in corpus, or in kingsville, which is like 45 minutes from me. when they fly in corpus, i get to watch them all week from my driveway since i live .5 miles from the navy base. its cool since my...
  11. superj

    Merry christmas to all

    May your day be joyful and your new year be prosperous
  12. superj

    man, 12 years since joinging this group

    time flies. i can't believe its been that long. i found some of the jeepz stickers (i got way back in the day) while in the garage a while back. i think i stuck them on my toolbox but i cannot remember.
  13. superj

    ford rear ends on jeeps

    everyone seems to like the ford 8.8 off the explorer but you never hear anyone say anything about the ford 7.5 from the rangers. i have always wondered why? i have an 04 ranger edge which has factory 4.10s and mine is not locked but tons are. and, according to the ranger guys, for them there...
  14. superj

    some people have been members on this site a loooong time

    i was in the member list and i changed the join date to being in order by oldest to newest. a bunch of people have a join date of 1970. that's crazy, ha ha ha. before the internet was around they were all meeting at the local pub and talking jeeps i kind of bet its a glitch though
  15. superj

    Jeep totalled

    The right hand drive wrangler we bought our son earlier this year is wrecked. He got sent to Cali for training to deploy to Kuwait and while he was gone, one of the other guys got his keys and took his jeep and rolled it down the mountain in Colorado. And nothing is being done. The army told...
  16. superj

    How many miles per tank

    When y'all fill up, how many miles do you get per tank? My son took the 03 wrangler and drove to his first duty assignment in Colorado. He said he got 150-180 miles per tank, every tank. That is horrible compared to the YJs the wife and I previously owned and compared to the jk four door we...
  17. superj

    tailgate third brake light contacts

    good morning guys!! is the access to the back side of those contacts for the third brake light accessed from the wheel area? i moved the black plastic a little and squeezed my hand up in but i couldn't feel the body side of those contacts. i ask because only the top contact is there so i...
  18. superj

    slow start

    now that the Cherokee is a back up vehicle, i don't think its happy. its giving me the normal clock spring issues again and now a slow start. it gets started about once a week so i didn't think i would be getting a slow start low battery issue but i guess there is more electronics in this...
  19. superj

    Right hand drive

    Let's see if this will work. I couldn't load the pics yesterday That's weird. It won't load the pic of the jeep but it loads the shot of the steering wheel in the wrong side
  20. superj

    Boy, did we screw up on the new cherokee

    We pulled a lift from the pic n pull, from two different cherokees, front Springs one weekend, and rear shackles the next. Well, we put them on and did we mess up. The rear is a 1.5" lift with just the shackles because we didn't take the leaf Springs (need to go back though) and the front...