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  1. superj

    Back out on the trail

    looks like a blast until it was time to wash everything, ha ha ha
  2. superj

    1987 Wagoneer - What is it worth and who would buy it?

    as long as it looks decent and runs, i would start at 5k and see what happens
  3. superj

    1987 Wagoneer - What is it worth and who would buy it?

    Are you talking about a full size jeep or the xj cherokee? If xj, my son looked sat one a few months back that was 5k
  4. superj

    Fuel Gauge issue

    They come out from the other side but since its a weather proof connector, i am not sure how. Normally, they have a little arm that sticks up and slides behind a line in the pin hole to hole them in place. I assume the weather proof connectors are the same. You might have to cut and solder...
  5. superj

    Fuel Gauge issue

    The seperate gauges are prpbably the same
  6. superj

    Fuel Gauge issue

    Dang, i just saw the little picture in the bottom of your first post. I think it is the gauge but do the test i told you. It actually looks like the needle rest broke on the gauge face and let the needle swig down to much. There should be a small black pin that stick our perpendicularly to the...
  7. superj

    Fuel Gauge issue

    To test the gauge and wire, unhook the wire from the sensor and touch it to the block when the ignition is in the run position. The needle on the gauge should swing from cold to full deflection hot and return to cold when you take it off the block. If it swings and returns, your wire, cluster...
  8. superj

    Fuel Gauge issue

    So its a single connwction sensor? If so. The pull the sensor and check it. It acts like its bad since it pegging to foll deflection
  9. superj

    got another tj

    The new parts jeep started today. The new fuel pump came in so we dropped it in and the jeep fired right up
  10. superj

    Fuel Gauge issue

    Yeah, something grounded since the gauge is reading pegged to full
  11. superj

    got another tj

    updates: i crawled under the 1k tj in search of the crank sensor and got it changed out with my youngest son. while under there i started whacking frame stuff with a small hammer and could find nowhere where anythign went through or sounded tinny and thin. its all solid except some flake on...
  12. superj

    NEW 32RH Transmission dipstick

    32rh dipstick measurements 28-7/8" from what would be the top of the tube. Bottom of dipstick to minimum 1-1/4 inch Bottom of dipstick to maximum 1-7/8 inch Pn, indicator, trans dipstick: 52104240ae Finally!
  13. superj

    NEW 32RH Transmission dipstick

    this parts jeep was missing hte transmission dipstick and the one from the 42rle in the 03 wrangler is to long. i have been googling a replacement and they are crazy expensive on ebay, 200 bucks-ish. the dealer no longer has them and shows no longer available. so i did some researching and...
  14. superj

    got another tj

    Well, further cleaning and messing around ahows some small holes under the carpet by the foot areas. And the jeeo starts on fuel being sprayed in and tb and idles great but i think the fuel pump is frozen. And the underside is so rusty that i dont know if we woll be able to drop the tank. We...
  15. superj

    got another tj

    Rough. No holes but everything is rusty
  16. superj

    got another tj

    Finally put the pictures up
  17. superj

    got another tj

    dang. i took a few more pictures yesterday to post since i only had one and i forgot to post them. now i am at work again and can't load from my phone
  18. superj

    got another tj

    we picked up an 02 sport yesterday afternoon. it has been sitting since 2019 since the guy had a heart attack and then the crank sensor went out. he said he cannot work on anything anymore so it just sat. it was his beach jeep so the underside is pretty rusty but the engine and trans are...
  19. superj

    Accident Woes

    Wow, thats crazy. Luckily you didnt get hurt and, even though its expensive to fix, its really not bad damages to the jeep. It just sucks to go through all that
  20. superj

    Con_Ferr front slide shield

    No ideas from me