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  1. S

    What's that sound?

    Check out this thread
  2. S

    Anyone else in Arkansas?

    Hey all, I'm from Rogers... I build and repair driveshafts and U-joints in Lowell if y'all need anything. Glad to be here!
  3. S


    I'm in Lowell / Rogers area... what symptoms are you having? maybe the forum can help a bit?
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    Motor help

    A 'tick' is generally top end - valves, exhaust leak etc. A knock is more down low... Rod or wrist pin. I'm not familiar with CJ7, is it an auto? (not sure what was available). Maybe a cracked flex plate from the rocking, I've seen it happen and it's a very metallic noise every revolution...
  5. S

    looking at a 1987 yj

    Best to search the forums, if you can't find an answer start a new thread. Welcome, I'm a newbie too. Your u-joint is not grease-able. You'll have to change the joint.
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    What's that sound?

    Check for rust around the U-joint to trunnion (U-joint cross) seal. Sounds like you have an axle joint going South.
  7. S

    Engine Noise

    Hi, first post... Sounds like an exhaust leak to me. Take a few feet of fuel hose or hose pipe and put one end to your ear and carefully move the other around the engine until you zone in on the sound. Look for a cracked manifold or gasket. Hopefully that's it, bearings are more expensive.