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  1. N

    A little help please

    1075986 which repair manual do most of you use? i'm pretty much mechanically challenged, but i'm willing to try/learn... only thing is, my favorite mechanic charges me extra to straighten out my messes (grin)... he flunked me on volkswagen beetle repair... i get around pretty well on...
  2. N

    accessing computer codes - again...

    1073057 i found these instructions earlier and when i followed this procedure, the dash display appeared to cycle thru some type of reset pattern... the speedometer indicator jumped, the tachometer indicator jumped, i can't remember if the fuel/amp/temp did or not... the other lights then...
  3. N

    accessing computer codes - again...

    1073060 i also found his post and printed it... when i attempted this procedure, i see nothing happening.... maybe this indicates there has been no error code logged.... good news? the vehicle is behaving normally at this time... as this appears to be an intermittent problem, i suppose i'll...
  4. N

    accessing computer codes - again...

    1073090 many thanks! worked perfectly.... shows 2.4.... are the error codes listed up thread legit for my unit? if so, throttle position out of range .... not sure what that is, but i'm going to find out.... seeya! [addsig]
  5. N

    accessing computer codes - again...

    1073143 VERY STRANGE THINGS GOING ON HERE!!! This afternoon, i was headed fer my workout and the @#$@#$ thing went down on me again... not once, but THREE times!!! i finally called a mechanic friend and after hearing the symptoms suggested that while it was idling, i go to the backend of the...
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    accessing computer codes - again...

    1073321 he's afraid its the fuel pump... says he's seen them stick lots of times and this trick will work for a little while.... but he's also saying that the sensor is probably bad too, cause he doesn't remember the fuel pump malfunction causing an error to be logged... though he thinks its...
  7. N

    AARGH!! $#%^&* $335 for a fuel pump?!!!

    1074313 as i am mechanically CHALLENGED i took this job to a well reputed garage... i'll letya know in a day or two when i get it back... he also suggests changing the throttle position sensor, but says that its possible when the fuel pump fails and the fuel pressure drops, the computer could...
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    AARGH!! $#%^&* $335 for a fuel pump?!!!

    1074357 picked my ride up yesterday morning... i've put about 200 miles on it since... absolutely no problems.... maybe this has it.... by the way, how do i reset the computer? it still shows a 24.... we disconnected the battery for a bit, but it didn't do anything... didn't even erase the...
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    AARGH!! $#%^&* $335 for a fuel pump?!!!

    1074383 its a 1998 wrangler/sahara thanks...[addsig]
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    1072878 this is a GREAT site!!! found EXACTLY the data i needed in less than 15 minute!!!! i've recently been converted to a JEEP WRANGLER owner and knowing very little about the beast, i've been searching for resources... i THINKS i have found it!!! MANY THANKYOUS!!!![addsig]
  11. N

    accessing computer codes - again...

    1072970 i searched this forum and found how to access the computer codes, but when i attempted to do so, i get nothing... i don't like to ASSUME anything... but may i hope that no code is good news? my '98 wrangler's been losing power, bringing me to a stop... idles REAL ruff, splutters...
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    AARGH!! $#%^&* $335 for a fuel pump?!!!

    1074207 they say i should feel lucky, that some of the chrysler fuel pumps cost up to $700... and yes, there were some of those used in some of the jeeps.... i don't feel so lucky though... kinda feel like i've been kicked in the groin... but i am told that the "bugs" in the pumps have been...
  13. N

    was it luck or providence... don't know don't care

    1074713 all i know is that i'm feeling lucky to be posting this.... today, early this morning, we decided to do some backroading... not off roading, just way back in the boonies on the dirt & gravel.... on the way out there.... i hit some bumps at a speed of about 40 mph.... slow for me...