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  1. L

    Do you have a Soft top or a Hartop on your Jeep?

    how difficult is it to take the hardtop off? i've got a feeling its not easy...
  2. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    it still has warranty for 30,000 kms'... thankfully.. :p
  3. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    ok so i took it in for a 4 hour appointment... *sigh* but everything is right as rain now. they didn't fix my windsheild, but they will. oh yes. they will. hehe... :D but the clicking while turning is gone, a bad bearing in the steering column, and the grinding while in neutral is gone, and...
  4. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    have you looked at Cooper? yep its the lever type. i'm only concerned because of all the noise it makes just sitting there.. and i took it for a spin out in the back yard today in 4Lo *it was definately 4Lo.. i almost did a catwalk when i hit the gas too hard.. hahaha* but the 4Hi didnt' seem...
  5. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    gah.. one more question about the 4x4... the lever looks like this.. 2H | | 4H___ / N / 4L right? so when i pull it back straight, to go into 4H, nothing happens. no part time indicator, nuthin. still in regular 2H, which i tested by doing a tight circle on pavement. when i...
  6. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    i do that now... :D :D :D i can't wait to get back out there.. its a shame i have to sell my home.. i've got 3.5 acres of land that i could crawl through... just outside of the city... but when you gotta go.. you gotta go.. :)
  7. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    so since i'm making such a long highway trip, and wont be able to do many offroad excursions before i leave... what sorta stuff can i do to make the long highway crawl more enjoyable? is there anything that might help against the buffeting of the wind.. ? when i get to the prairies.. i'm going...
  8. L

    Do you have a Soft top or a Hartop on your Jeep?

    i have a hardtop... no softy.. but i want one... in the summer, the top and the carpets will be out of it anyway. then all i need are some wet suit neophrene seat covers... and rain be damned... :) :)
  9. L

    It is a little jeeper!!!!!!!!!!

    uh oh.. watch out.. kids are expensive.. they have TONS of aftermarket support.. even more than jeeps... :D :D :D congratulations!
  10. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    that sounds about right.. but the light doesn't come on.. that much i can be sure of.. yesterday my wife asked me how you could tell if you were in 4x4 or not.. and i said usually the light comes on.. but it didn't.. so i showed her the difference on a dirt road.. you could feel a difference *i...
  11. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    aah sorry about that.. all boards are different. i'll keep it out of my posts.
  12. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    now that doesn't make me happy about the throw bearings.... i got this jeep from the dealer not even 2 weeks ago. and its been doing it since the first day i brought it home. if he sold me a jeep with a bad clutch, he messed with the wrong guy. he'll find this jeep IN his office, mud and all...
  13. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    WANTED: Speaker/Storage boxes for CJ5 thanks for the info! so i don't have a full time 4x4? how does it work then? i've had it in 4x4, and could feel the pull and the difference while driving on gravel and loose dirt.. but no indicators came on. the manual says something about 'command trac'...
  14. L

    hey everybody.. n00bie jeeper here... ;)

    hows it goin? i just bought a black/tan 2001 TJ and i absolutely love it. its my first jeep, and tons of fun. i have a few questions though.. first off.. what is the deal with the part time/full time indicators? i've never seen either of them come on.. so if they dont come on when i'm in 4x4...