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  1. H

    Jeep quit starting HELP

    No worries. I've been busy too. I figured out that something was blocking the hole at the needle and seat. I gently stuck a piece of coat hanger in the hole and I now have fuel. I go to try and start it, and there is now no spark! I have been all over this thing trying to get this one figured...
  2. H

    Jeep quit starting HELP

    I FORGOT TO ADD THAT IT DID RUN THE DAY BEFORE JUST FINE. I took it to get emmissions and the next day it didn't start. I should also tell you that the motor has major blowby that has been getting into the air cleaner. I sprayed carb cleaner down the carb and put in a bottle of emmisions stuff...
  3. H

    Jeep quit starting HELP

    That's correct. There was no fuel in the bowl when I unscrewed the fuel line. I thought that was odd. Ya know when I tested the fuel pump, I took off the line at the fuel filter. Maybe the line between the filter and the carb is plugged. I can't imagine that it is though. It's a 5/16 line I...
  4. H

    Jeep quit starting HELP

    Thanks Jeepskate! The fuel filter is new (the old one wasn't bad). The fuel is making it to the carb, but none is squirted into the venturies when you open the throttle. I have spark, just no fuel in the carb. If the floats were bad they would sit on the bottom and it should flood the carb. If...
  5. H

    Jeep quit starting HELP

    33's or 35's I'm trying to sell my sister's Jeep. All the sudden, it doesn't start. It turns over...I've got spark... I've got fuel to the carb., but no fuel going into the venturies. The pins for the stepper motor aren't moving when the motor is turned over. Does the stepper motor only control...