Search results

  1. M

    ZJ Vehicle Information Center

    Thanks for the lead! It is definitely worth a shot.
  2. M

    ZJ Vehicle Information Center

    I'm looking for a the above for a 98 ZJ. I was told by a local dealership that Chrystler does not make the part anymore for a vehicle that old. It is the module that tells you when a door is open, service is needed, when the vehicle is in 4WD, when a light bulb is out and where, etc. Does anyone...
  3. M Spring Giveaway - sponsored by Muddy Rocks Offroad

    I too have no shame when it comes to free! Sign me up!
  4. M

    Looking For CJ/YJ

    I'm looking into purchasing either a 70 to early 80's CJ or a mid 80's to mid 90's YJ with a manual transmission. I'd like something roadworthy, however I currently don't have a lot in the budget. Any leads would be greatly appreciated. I'm located in Quarryville, PA.