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  1. J

    New offroad park in PA

    Northumberland County OHV Recreation Park
  2. J

    New offroad park in PA

    will do my best to update, next meeting in January, also a facebook page and website.
  3. J

    First thread , Woohooo

    Hey All Pa residents, There is a possible new park happening in Northumberland county. I have been working with them for about a year and things are moving along well, as you may know.There is a public meeting tonight and they could use some help as there are folks against it...
  4. J

    New offroad park in PA

    There is an upcoming public meeting on 19 October at 1830 at the Shamokin Area High School Auditorium...And is probably the most critical meeting there will be concerning this park and you being able to show your support..the opposition is still around. TUESDAY OCT. 19, 2010 at the SHAMOKIN...
  5. J

    McCain Has 13 Cars; Obama Has 1

    And how about Barry`s plane does that count, the other cars and limos are paid for and in the name of his handlers..... nobama for nooffice...........
  6. J

    Sarah Palin

    I understand she also rides ATV`s which means she would certainely be against the roadless act and other socialist anti-access laws.... The only problem is there are alot of unknowlegable (DUMB) voters out there.......... fingers crossed