
HAHAHAHA that HAS to be either a joke or a typo! :shock: if not, then that is the stupidest person i have ever heard of, and may god have mercy on his soul!
I sent him an email and asked if he'd let it go for 49,999.99.....waiting to hear back from him, maybe he'll give me a deal!

has to be something wrong with it to sell it that cheap.

winch buying

typo is probably french for "really awesome super good deal"
That's pretty bad if someone were to make a typo like that...how can you accidently put in $50,000??

But then again, it is a one of a kind CJ5!

I just e-mailed him and asked if it is a typo or not
even if it is a typo he has had it on there for a few days now, and he should have caught it by now. the seller is supposedly a car dealer but if you check their history they havent sold anything. they bought some crystal chickens though!!

sorry i put a 3 cyl. ford festiva engine in it. but i do have a nos sticker so that makes up for the lost horsepower.

but it's got the DAINA rear, that's worth at least 20,000.