2 Day Mounds Run!!!


New member
Well, this looks like a good area to post a trail ride in rather than General Chat, maybe someone will fall across it here...

Nobody put any pics up yet, but I went to the Mounds yesterday, and am going again today, round noonish after I get back from Guitar Centre. Taking Luke and Ben with me (2 best friends, one is not Jeeper, the other is), Luke went yesterday, and had a blast, he can't wait to get a quad and get out there...

Lot of good stucks for all parties involved, was with a group of 2 stock TJs, another stock XJ, and a lifted old-school Blazer... Had a fine time, can't wait to do it again today... Ifn anyone's in Michigan on vacation, get a hold of me, should be a fun time :wink:

test pic

Oh yeah, there's an excellent account of the Saturday run in my LJ (linked in my sig)... The writing is a little coarse, few naughty words, readers be warned, because I was a little exanimate when I wrote it.