82 cj7 360 swap - detent?


New member

I recently purchased an 82 Jeep CJ7. The previous owner was in the middle of a restoration (aren't we all? lol).

The only history I got about the status of the jeep was that he took a 360 out of a 81 Wagoneer, and put on a edelbrock high rise manifold and a edelbrock 750 performer carb.

My problem is that I am not 'positive' about the transmission that is in the jeep. From the pan bolt pattern (14 bolts), it appears to be an A904. The shift rod is installed, and it runs, but it only goes from 1 and 2 gear.

There is also a lever on the transmission (drivers side) that is not connected to anything. I presume this is the detent lever. I do not have any cables or rods to connect to it, and I am not sure what I should have there, or where to get it, or how to make sure I am getting the right thing (cable or rod?)

I have pictures of the edelbrock throttle lever and cable setup, as well as a pic of the lever on the transmission (assumed to be detent lever).

Any help trying to figure out what I have and what I need would be greatly appreciated!


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Probably... what it is wierd that it goes into 2nd though and back, usually when teh kickdown (detent is the same thing) it will not shift back down in gear unless you manually do so with the column shift.

I am not super familiar with that transmission Usually people swap in the newer Torqueflights, but I don't see a kick down cable on the carb at all, just a throttle cable and a return spring (which you probably knew.) That appears to be a 1406 edelbrock, might be a 1405 if it is a manual choke, There should be a cable right there on that side.

You can try to find a cable to fit, my suggestion would be to call Lokar and give them as much info as possible, engine, carb, transmission, as well as some photo's