A draw or bad Starter?


New member
This has been an on going problem. When I leave the doors open for 10-20 minutes, I am unable to start my jeep. I've already pulled the fuses and checked the amps and no strange finding were presented. I even checked the battery and it read 12.5V (normal) I only have to leave the battery on the charger for 10 minutes and i am able to start up. This leaves me to believe that it is not the battery. Could the starter be drawing too much current?

I am just guessing here but it could be the starter but I doubt it. Could be the incorrect size battery.
Might have the battery checked at AutoZone (or some such place) under load. Batteries are funny things when they start going bad. Could have some bad cells, but the battery will charge (for a little while) but fail when under load. Just a thought.