Animal in your vehicle

I hate rodents. I hate stray cats too. One time, I discovered that a stray cat kept himself warm in my car's engine bay. Was wondering why it had cat hair and scratches the day before.
Co worker had his brand new (<2weeks) Subaru in the shop for a month because a squirrel chewed the wiring harness. They had to ship one on a barge with new cars overseas. It took a month to arrive. I drove him home for 2 months.
In such cases, when rodents climb into the car, you should not eat anything in the car, especially seeds and bread crumbs, and everything that can call rodents to smell in your car

I think dirt dobbers is the biggest issue of that type I've dealt with under the hood. When my youngest son was 16 he bought a 1972 Bronco. When I came home from work I noticed the hood was up but he was in the house. He raised the hood to find a big black snake curled up on the engine.
I've got this problem with mice in my boat. It's just a cheap fishing boat, but it was frustrating that the mice wanted to chew on everything. I ended up using about $20 worth of mouse bait.
Luckily they didn't do any serious damage (that I'm aware of...)
Little different. Watched a squirrel naw on the edge of our deck. Nothing left there but flowers. Nothing was there when it naw
the resin decking.


Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson

My cousin had a 6 ft boa constrictor get loose in her car and got itself in the dash of the car. We was all concerned that the snake made a mess of things in the dash. When it finally came out from the dash, we found out nothing was damaged.
If I got in a vehicle to find a 6' snake - the driver's seat might need cleaning.
Back in the 70s I read in the Tallahassee Democrat that a man went down to Miami over the weekend to buy and old car. Put a battery in it and drove it home. Got in it Monday morning to go to work and wrecked it - he jumped out when he saw rattle snakes! 2 mama snakes and a bunch of young ones.