Any Correctional Officers here?


New member
So I have applied for a DOC (Correction officer) at my county's sheriff's dept. Its a line of work I've always been interested in. I have six friends who have done the work, four of which are police officers now, one who is still in Corrections and one who said it wasn't for him after 2 weeks. I have heard the horror stories and have been told of the dangers. I never really thought much about it until now. I had an interview the other day and realized how stressfull it can be and that things can get bad quick! The thing is I'm only 5' 7" tall and about 140lbs, I have seen some of the guys that get arrested in my Co. Just wanted to see if there are any other CO's out there that may have some advice or insight into the world of Corrections?

I'm not a corrections officer but I saw your from Tenn. What county you from?
I have family who are work in DOC. It is not your size that would matter,but how you can use your body to control inmates.Yes it can turn badly very quick.Locally we just had DOC die at work from a shiv attack from an inmate.That was the first in my area in 40 years,so it's not like it happens all the time,but you need to be prepared mentally and fiscally in case something like that was to occur.My cousin is 6'3" and only about 180 lbs,but he has a military back ground and specialized in hand to hand combat.
I hear that it's a great job if ya dont like to work and are only required to be able to add and subtract. A friend of mine's son got a job with the sheriffs department after comeing back from Afganistan, said being a jailer sucked, it was to boreing for him. He stuck it out though and soon is going out on the road with a patrol car.
Haveing spent some time on the oppisite side of the bars as of that of a CO. Even if I could get the job I dont think I would want it because of the boredom involved, and being around the type of folks that you are around on a daily basis, some of that negativity would rub of onto me. Just my opinion.

I know that its dangerous, I've never been a fighter, I took marshal arts growing up but it was so long ago. I don't know about the boredom level, my buddy says there's never a dull moment. To me it seems if you get bored that's where it could get dangerous. But to me the hours and work level are not a concern. I just really got nervous about my size
There's always something going on in lock ups. From inmate riots, fights, and maybe gennybro can elaborate, a lot of man love. Being locked up I'm pretty sure you've heard or seen some of it, right gennybro? It's not a job of just adding and subtracting.
I've worked in several busy jails. It's what you make of it. You aren't going to rehabilitate anyone. However you may give one individual in jail a reason to be a better person. If you do get a job in corrections remember your limitations and use your tools wisely.
I don't want my fears of the unknown to make me decide against taking the job and possibly making it a career, but also at the same time I don't wanna quit my current job just to not be able to do CO. I guess its a big decision to make but as of now I'm on the fence about it if they call. I was all for it before but now I dunno lol!

It'll be intimidating at first but your confidence will improve over time. And your confidence and training can often take you further than your size.

Can you take a leave of absence from your current job that will hold it for a short time?
I never met anyone that loved being locked up, that dosnt make much sense. Have met a few characters that seemed like they would never clear the top of fools hill, and kept going back to the slammer. That was mainly due to alcohol or drugs, or they was just mentally challenged.
You dont have to be big to be bad, just use some common sense. I think that if nothing else, it would be a good experience as far as building your confidence level entering a situation that is a little scary.
I imagine a new CO dureing the first days on the job is as nervous as a person getting locked up for the first time. But as Bounty Hunter has said, your confidence level well grow and the fear well dissapate. Good luck!

A close friend of mine is on the road as a deputy now but he started at this job and he is 5' 8" and maybe 160-170ish, he was fine so that is a confidence booster
Knew a few people that were/are corrections officers. At some point they got hurt. They said it is more psychological than physical. They say you have to ignore a lot and learn to not listen to some things.
I'll say this....... Don't worry so much about your physical size, rather focus on what you want, how your going to get it and being prepared to do what you must do if (and it will!) the time comes. You'll rely on your training and common sense. I'll practice drill after drill and get some great practical (and tactical) training which will prepare you for the job.

I'm not in corrections, but I've been a Police Officer for many years (recently retired and looking to go back! soon), I've had small females and males in my sqaud over the years who where all sucessful. It all comes down to you accepting your job/responiblities, respecting others (and what they are capible of doing) and not just learning your training, but LIVING IT.

Best of luck.......