Bad Jeep Dealer


New member
Good news travels fast, but bad news travels faster.
Buyer beware, stay out of Robert's Jeep in Auburn Washington.
Their prices are fair market value, but their honesty and integrity as decent businessmen is by far the worst I have ever experienced. No need for the raw details, just beware, these guys are not who they say they are.

oh, please do elaborate... we'd love to hear why you think this...
In all fairness to the jeep dealership, say how they wronged you so other people will know what to be aware of, not only at the place you went to but also other dealerships.
If you know how they take advantage it is really fun to catch them in a lie. They turn all red and get defensive and mad then you just walk out after wasting a few hours of thier time. I have also used the info to get a better deal. A good example would be I bought an Xt350 the guy totaly lied to me but I ended up finding out the next day. Then I noticed some problems that would not pass the safty inspection. So instead of them raising the price to fix them they got to eat the costs of new tires, brakes, and fork seals. That one was really fun because the manager was pissed at the salesman.

Re: Dream Machine

2 words: "Caveat Emptor."

1 post? Obviously here to get back at dealer, not to be a member. It means nothing to me. Even named himself "Jeep Buyer".

Remember, there is no B.C.B.: "Better Customer Bureau." Some people have long histories of behavior where if they bitch enough, they think the are entilled to sit behind the whole: "customer is always right" theory. My guess is, he messed up, and didn't read the 'As-is/no warranty' sign carefully.
Yeah..the place where i bought my jeep...people told me ohh don't go there..they suck, they don't know anything..always jacking up prices. But the sales man Mike was the best..great deal. Just cause one person had a bad experience doesn't mean all will.
Honestly I've never met a dealer that is honest or truly has your best interest at heart. Doesn't mean that you can't get a great deal, you just have to realize that its a game and you have to come prepared to play. If you play it right the dealers don't make money off of your purchase anyhow, they make it from the service dept when you bring your jeep in for work.

as opposed to....a good jeep dealership? i think when looking at dealerships its like picking the lesser of two evils. its not which one is better than the other, its which one isnt as bad as the other. the best thing about jeep dealerships is that they have a lot of jeeps. not that i've had personal problems with them, i just know that they can be shady, so you best know what you're looking at.
Mingez, no offence, but why do you seem to be so against this guy? He's just trying to help everyone out a little, which I really appreciate!
Some Dealerships are fine, but when there are a few bad ones, it gives the good ones a bad name as well.

Jeepbuyer, welcome to the site!!
sure... i'm still waiting for him to come back and respond though.. i seriously doubt we'll ever see him agai nthough....
This guy was just blowing off steam because he probably did not do his research and then got screwed. Dealerships will make whatever money they can get away with. If you go in educated you can almost always get a good deal. The thing people do not understand is that they have to make money. If they don't they will go out of buisness. Remember that and you can both be happy.
I am with Mingez. Some guy names himself jeepbuyer and wont tell us why not to go to a certain dealer... Gimme a break....

LauraBoston said:
I got the best dealer around. Fixin my off road damage..for free.
laura....hitting a lincoln doesnt count as off road damage. :wink:
Maybe he won't ever come back, or maybe he will. I just hope that if he does want to come back, that he knows he is certainly welcome. Even when I go into some places and know everything there is to know about a certain thing, an employee will still sometimes try to argue with me.

As far as the name Jeepbuyer, I don't see anything wrong with it. I will be completely open with you guys, I BOUGHT MY JEEP, JUST LIKE HE DID!!! I WOULD be concerned if his name was Jeepstealer, or something like that.

Plus, its only been 5 days since he last posted. He might not yet be as addicted to as we all are.
Folks, you are all quick to judge. I made a broad statment about my experience for good reason. You'd all be bored to death to read the 3 month long ordeal that unfolded. And in the end, sure there were a few more bucks exchanged than I would have cared to spend, but the money was truly not the issue. Several things came out this purchase that all in all equaled one large mess. And in the end, thier sales manager simply could not grasp the entire situation. Trust me. If half of you had experience the same, you would have probably tried to return the Jeep.
The situation was based on principal and integrity. And in the end the sum (lost) was a measly few-hundred dollars. Not a dent in my wallet, but a dissapointment in the way things were handled when so very many chances were offered. In fact, I really did not haggle much of a "deal" at all. I was content with the purchase until their internal administrative work went south.
To say all the staff is bad is not true. I met and dealt with many great people at Roberts Jeep. But the troops can only do as much as their leader. And the big boss is not interested in standing behind his word. Even his 3 other sales members agreed, that this was a bogus situation. In fact prior to having to deal with the big boss, the three all fully suspected that things would be resolved.
I don't hang out and sling mud on chat boards for fun. This was indeed a simple post to voice my American (read f-r-e-e) opinion. Take it or leave it. But my money will not go back to this dealer and its only fair that folks should see opinions, good or bad (I encourage some happy Roberts buyers to get in here and spread some good news). I simply am not pleased with the service provided from the one guy there who is really capable of making a difference.
I'm not posting any further on the topic. Its all water under the bridge at this point.
Have fun.

K&N filter on 97 TJ?

Well, hopefully the people here have not scared you away from this site. They are not usually so quick to judge!! So tell us, what kind of Jeep did you purchase? Does it have any modifications yet? What do you plan to use it for? We all LOVE to hear about other people Jeeps!!!
welcome to the board... we're not really the judging type, but with the handle and the post, we've seen people do this sort of thing before and not come back... hopefully you'll stick around.
I appreciate your very positive feedback. You guys have certainly proven yourself a great looking group of individuals. I will definatley be using this board more often...but I'll change names to something a little less aggressive. Its time to stop worrying about this dealer and move on to enjoying my JEEP!

Well, when you log back in, remember to clear your cookies so your new name can stay logged in :-D and we welcome you to Jeepz and welcome you to pick our colective brains as we colectivley pick yours :-D