Bhaa Hum Bug


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Well this Christmas is going to suck in the Utah house hold.
Today we primped the house in preparation of having a Christmas party for my hair Salon. Yes I own a hair salon. Don't laugh I really do!
(Actually its my wifes I just paid for it).
After buying 100$ worth of booze and another 100$ on food I was ready to spend the evening with seven lovely ladies...and their husbands.
At six this evening we got a call from my wifes twin sister in Arizona that my father-in-law Clide Greeve has pasted away from cancer.
Well we canceled the party and made plans for my wife to fly out to Arizona tomorrow morning. I have to stay here and run the shop and try to do my own job till the funeral.
The saddest part is seeing the seasons joy just drain out of my wifes eyes at this news. There are no words that I can say to make the pain go away, no gesture, nor Christmas gift to bring that joy back to her eyes.
This Christmas is a bust here in my house.
As I sit here wondering why I am writing this to you all...I wish to convey my feeling of loss and hope that this message will remind each of you that Christmas is not the giving and receiving of gifts, that fancy party's that you will throw or attend...
But it is the celebration of the birth of our savor Jesus Christ.
Cherish this for that reason alone.
And cherish those around you.
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Prayers go out to your family. Mud & I (I'm his brother) lost our dad this past June - makes this Christmas season a little less bright this year. But as you said, it's the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus & cherish the family & friends around us. Take care.
Same here. My wife's grandmother is dying and isn't expected to make it till Christmas. She basically raised my wife and now pancreatic cancer is taking the life out of her. It is really a sad December around here. We are trying to make it happy for our daughter but it's tough.
Sorry to hear of your loss, and that of your wife's. Hang in there, I'm sure you'll both find brightness somewhere over the holidays.

My condolences to you and your family. My wife or I are usually around, so if your wife needs transport to or from the airport to anywhere in the valley just throw me an e-mail.
I don't know what's up this year. It's terrible, that so many are going through such hardships. It really has been a very dark year.

Utah, South, and all of the Mud's are all in my thoughts.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss. It seems that I'm hearing a lot about that stuff this year. I really wish it would stop. Tisn't the season to have to deal with such things.

This has been a year of extreme losses for so many of us. You are right Utah, there is nothing that can take away your wifes pain, but just having you standing there beside her is of more value than you can imagine. And remember the stories. When Tim and Mike's (Mud and JBdayojeep) dad died, we spent half a day sitting on the front porch with everyone telling their best dad stories- it was a wonderful time in the midst of pain. "Grief is the price you pay for love."- it's a package deal. Our prayers are with you both.
My prayers are with you, bud. I know what a death in the family can do to special times for the family. My wife's dad isn't expected to see another Christmas after this year due to emphysema, so we're doing what we can to make this one very special. Christmas hasn't been the same since my dad died back in '03. Every year since I can remember, I'd buy him a box of chocolate covered cherries for Christmas. Now I get tears in my eyes whenever I see a display of them in the stores. I still buy that box of cherries....and eat one for myself and one for dad, then toss them out.

I pray that you find some joy and comfort in knowing why we celebrate Christmas....and from your post, it seems that you do.

Peace and Love.
My Grandfather died on Christmas Day just after midnight when I was twelve years old. That tended to spoil the holiday for a few years for my Father especially.

The good news is that grief is a temporary condition. Real and intense, but brief. Then you have memories to sustain you. That is when you really appreciate the family and friends that you have lost.

My condolences...

Snitty said:
I'm sorry to hear about the loss. It seems that I'm hearing a lot about that stuff this year. I really wish it would stop. Tisn't the season to have to deal with such things.

no doubt eh?
lady i worked with .... died of a heart attack 2 weeks ago, a week before her daughter (whos only 21) had twins

and last night my bf found out that one of his best friends only relitive passed away

and ahhh....

sorry to hear for your loss, we lost my gramma one year before christmas, probly the hardest time of the year to lose a loved one. but as sad as it can be, just ebrace what you have, and try to enjoy the holiday.

HUGZ all around
Utah, I just wanted you to know we're thinking of you, wondering how you and your wife are doing and if you'll be back home for Christmas.
God Bless you both, the Muds
Dear Mud
We are currently in Arizona with my wifes family.
The funeral was Thursday and it was very nice the Church had set up a light brunch after the servise.
Now there just hanging loose with the fam, re-bonding the family ties.
Still being jeepless in my old home state sucks rocks since there alot that are calling my name.
We aere planning on driving home sunday and trying to put our life back together.
I wish to thank everyone for there thoughts and prays.
Steven and Jill Weick

Utah_jeepster said:
I wish to thank everyone for there thoughts and prays.
Steven and Jill Weick

That's what friends do for friends. Don't think now that the funeral is over and you are trying to move on that we're not still praying for you....I know I am, and I will continue to pray for you, your wife, and your families to find comfort and peace. When God closes one door, he always opens another. Be strong for your wife, and don't be afraid to be weak for your self. God Bless you and keep you in the Palm of His Hand.


Sorry to hear about your loss Utah - it's hard to deal with a death of a loved one. Glad to hear you and the Mrs. have a great outlook on life---thus your excellent frame of mind to handle of life's many major setbacks. I lost my beloved mom November 16th @ 7:05 AM and am agreeing with the others on your thread that this year has been very chitty in this respect. You and yours are in our prayers. L&BR
Sorry to hear of your loss. Although it is tough to focus on after someone dear to you passes on, I pray your wife can find some solace in the fact that her father is now in God's kingdom. Cancer is a horrible thing, I hope his last days were peaceful.

I will certainly pray for your family to find comfort in this dificult time.
