Bin laden is dead!

He had lost support so this event is kind of point less.

I mean he was done anyway.

No I am not a non-patriot, he was dead to me a long time ago
He had lost support so this event is kind of point less.

I mean he was done anyway.

No I am not a non-patriot, he was dead to me a long time ago
I dont think it would be a good idea to say that to someone that lost loved ones on 911.

Thats not how I meant it.

I hate him so much and he hasn't been around I really havent thought about him with all the other crap going on in the world.

his death is more a symbol to America then anything else.

And just to say I do find this as good news.
Finally,. the ******* is dead and the SEALs did it!!!!! Good. Obama needed this too on his watch-- for whatever he is and is not, he is till our President. Good.

Hail, the Navy SEALS~~~~

"A small team of Americans carried out the operation," Obama said. "After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body."

DNA testing confirmed that it was bin Laden, sources told ABC News.

I'm glad that they didn't just have a drone fly over and bomb it. Actually having the DNA and the proof that he's dead will go a long way.

America needs a BOOST! Just this news may be a new beginning for alot of people, especially helping to put to rest the loss of lives that preceeded this event.
America needs a BOOST! Just this news may be a new beginning for alot of people, especially helping to put to rest the loss of lives that preceeded this event.

That's a great point. Things have been pretty grim lately, maybe this will help turn things around.
I was watching the news last night and one of the senators they were talking to said we shouldn't get too excited yet. Bin Laden was just the money side of Al-Qaeda, yes he was the mastermind behind a lot of attacks, but there are still a lot of key figured that need to be taken out as well. This is a giant step for America, and adds some closure for the victims of 9/11 and their families.


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Bout time!!!
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i am glad for it. i say kill them all and let god sort them out. (can you tell i was army?)

the only bummer is that the airports are going to be hell for my tdy trip. at least i am on orders and have a gov ID so i can cut some of the lines.

-- image removed by Terry --

Bout time!!!

I saw that .gif on another site last night. What is that from??

Anyway, it feels good to know that finally justice has been served for what happened to our country 10 years ago. I'm glad it was at the hands of a Navy Seal and not from kidney failure or whatever. I know that he didn't really have that much power/control anymore anyway, but it's a symbolic victory that justifies the sacrifices we've had to make for the last decade. I almost feel like a weight has been lifted off of our collective soldiers. Well done.

Bin Laden may be gone..but this snake has many heads. We must never let up on evil!

I was proud to see they got him, good job to all involved especially the trigger man. Their was quite a price on his head, wonder if anybody will get the money?