

New member

I'm planning on installing a homemade 1 1/2 inch bodylift and was wondering if I would need to due anything other then jacking it up and putting the spacers and new bolts in. The reason I ask is because I already have 3 1/2 inch of susp lift a drop pittman arm and no track bars but pretty much everything else is stock.

95 yj, aal, 1 1/2 shackle with 32in bfg mt's


You may need to notch out the floor so the shifter can go into 2nd, 4th, and reverse. Personally i would spend the little extra for a kit that has been engineered for the job than to just make my own. A two inch is only like $70 and includes directions and everything you need

Just saw this post-- you've probably already installed the BL but if you need any help gimme a ring. It's really easy to do-- you will need different bolts because you cut your old pucks. Pull one of each size body bolts-- there are two sizes and take them to a hardware store and match the thread pitch and spacing; then just buy them an 1.5" longer than your stock ones.

You coming to the BBQ this weekend?
