broken exaust stud 95 wrangler 2.5L


New member

howdy! first time here so be gentle,my 95 wrangler four banger snapped a back exaust stud, sounds like disneys autotopia now, wonderful. well i checked the web for possible recall or? and found a service notice from jeep dated 11-07-98 about outer exaust studs breaking, ah ha a known problem i thought, but i couldnt read the text. what do i need to know about this problem? should i attempt repair myself? drill...easyout or what should my approach be to this fun repair, dynamite!? I know there is a lot of experence out there with this little underpowered beast would some fellow jeeper please help?[addsig]


Welcome to Jeepdom. There is a great amount of knowledge here and soon you will have several answers to you question with out a dought. How close to flush did the stud break off? Is ther anything sticking out t hook to or get a grip on to? tug[addsig]

hay tug. well i got a real good look at it , looks like one full thread below flush, nuthin to grab on to at all.... bummer!![addsig]

Welcome to the board!!!!!!!!! Please take and impart all the knowledge you want and have!

back exhaust stud? I've never heard of that, what is it? I too have a 95 YJ, and haven't heard of this problem. Can you tell me where this is before I have this issue.



Drill and EZ out would be the 1st move I think! You may have to just drill it out and re thread. I am not the wrench I should be for the answer but that makes sence to me. You may be able to helicoil the thing after you get it drilled out. Help this man before I get him into trouble here. Take what I say with a grain of salt and please wait for more experence than I have prior to useing power tools. hehehehe Tug :-D [addsig]

Im talking about the exaust manafold bolts, the front and rear ones are threaded posts coming out of the head with a bolt on the end to hold the exaust manafold on.Jeep calls these front and rear posts outer exaust studs. I got the service buletin notices from they list all recalls and service buletins for most vehicles. they list a recent recall for the cat. convertor on the 1995 2.5l also[addsig]

randy, personally, if the bolt is broken off in the engine block, I'd take it to a machine shop. They would charge you about $50 but at least you don't have to worry about really messing up your block. But if you feel confident in yourself, then use the drill and extractor set to get the bolt out. I hope you've got a steady hand.

c :-? [addsig]


Thank you!!!!!!!

There's one for the cat? I'll look that up.

I did just get one for the parking brake. It seems that it just releases whenever it wants to.[addsig]

i wouldn't mess around with anything going into the block... too much at risk. ask the dealer what they'd charge you...

come on boys.....who out there has had these outer exaust manafold studs snap and repaired it? I know you are out there, theres enough of you out there to have a jeep service buletin in 1998. may be a friend? your uncle? a grandmother??? what worked a how did you achieve jeep success!!! HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!![addsig]


The dealer will fix the broken studs for free if you are within the 8yr/80,000mi. range. They fixed my '95, front and rear studs, runs real quiet now. Take the TSB number, issue date, and title with you, they may need help locating the info.[addsig]

Funny, both are broken on my old cj and its quiet as a mouse...why don't you double gasket the manifold???...then the center bolts should be enough to keep it sealed. JUst a thought...figured if mine worked yours might....catch ya later...welcome by the way.[addsig]

That happened to my 92 YJ. I took it to a mechanic and had them do it. My understanding is that its a fairly common problem in Jeeps, not sure if specific to certain years.[addsig]