Caffeine coming to Cracker Jacks


Staff member
As some of you may remember, I've recently gotten off the sauce (kicked my monster energy drink habit), so I usually pickup on caffeine related news. My wife noticed this in the paper:

Frito-Lay confirmed Friday that it plans to introduce a line of Cracker Jacks by the end of this year that contains coffee, a move the Center for Science in the Public Interest is fighting.The new line of snacks, called Cracker Jack'd, will contain coffee, be labeled as containing coffee and caffeine and marketed only to adults, Frito-Lay said in a statement.
It will contain snack mixes, popcorn clusters and "Power Bites" wafers. Two of the Power Bites products will have flavors that will contain coffee.
Frito-Lay said it expects Power Bites will contain approximately 70 milligrams of caffeine from coffee in each 2-ounce package.

I just can't see how they'll be able to market this only to adults...

You can read the article here:
Caffeine coming to Cracker Jacks, critics howl
You really gotta watch what ya eat. They'll put anything in foods these days. I've totally changed my diet, tried to get away from processed foods. Dropped from 276 down to 250, I drink mostly water. I have my morning coffiee and haven't cut back any on beer. When I quit cokes, I had bad headaches for a while due to caffinee withdrawls. I really can't believe they'd make stuff like these cracker jacks with power bites. Most kids these days have a terribal diet anyway. Add these to a couple of mountain dews and your overweight 10yr old could have heart probs.
i stopped soda and sweet tea, no fried foods, nothing that is high calorie and fruit/vegetable 7 of the 8 times i eat a day. went from 200 to 178 with the diet change and bike riding 5 days a week

i stopped soda and sweet tea, no fried foods, nothing that is high calorie and fruit/vegetable 7 of the 8 times i eat a day. went from 200 to 178 with the diet change and bike riding 5 days a week
You gave up sweet tea and fried foods? Wow... that hard on a southern boy. I cut back on the fried foods, when I do I fry I use peanut oil. I'm on a high protien, high fiber diet. I also eat more often to kick my metabolisim up a notch. I tried low cal beer (Bud 55 cal), just too watered down.
Didn't change my diet but stopped taking my insulin for two months ( bad thing to do but I was in a environment that I couldn't store it). Dropped almost 50 I am doing the "right thing" again and stared using my insulin pump again and the weight is crawling back up. Damned if you do, damned if you don't!