Carb Advise


New member
I posted some time ago about my Carter carb having all kinds of problems. Needless to say it found a new home in my garbage can. Without hesitation I went out and bought a Holley model 2300, header, and adapter plate. I have received different input on this carb set up, divided between good and bad. Half the people say take it back for a Webber, and the other half say you can't go wrong with the Holley. Kind of at the end of the road, and not sure what to do?
All my smog stuff has been discarded, and I am quite sure that the Webber needs most of that to function. The question I am asking..... what is the most efficient route to take.


83 cj7 i258
Go with a weber carb conversion as I have. it gets rid of the smog stuff and adds some HPs. and is very flexable for later engine mods. Cam, for example. - expensive however.

I just have a poor old MC2100. It runs better than I could ever get the Weber running. And I tried for 2 years with the Weber.
propane gets rid of all the usual carb problems,and you could probably replace your carb with a coors can. Meaning since you run a vapor, you can not flood, and dont need a choke! Practicaly no emissions either.

Interesting, any performance increase or decrease. how much $$$$ are we talking to convert. More importantly is it cheaper to run?
I've got about 2 bills into my entire system! Performance would be my #1 increase. No hesitation,flooding, or loading at angles. Propane in Oregon is about 2.20 a gallon, and mileage is about 90-95%. I dont do any road driving so I cant say anything for sure, but I cant imagine any downfall. No emissions if you need to smog your Jeep.

dont mean to jack the post but as for the propane - 2 bills (100 or 1000?) and care to share your setup? having carb probs here and we smog here in sin city (gotta make up for no state/city income tax!) thx!
Two Bills = two hundred, Got the impco dual fuel system which includes eveporator and mixer, and two lockouts on E-bay. The tank cost 80 bones. wiring was a freebe from my leftovers. The setup is easy (6 hours). Maybe the hardest part was making the adapter from the mixer to the carb. The one that comes with the kit is for a 4 bbl.
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Originally "Black Betty" had an Edelbrock Carter Clone on her. I had many problems with stalling despite rebuiliding and making calculations myself verified by Edelbrock and used a full Jet Kit but it would never quite tune. Ultimately on one stall, the damn thing caught fire and the extinguisher dust permeated the carb. Luckily, from my hot rod Chevy days I had an AFB "Black Stallion" (black powder coat whoopie friggen doo) and after decreasing jet size and heavier springs, Betty's running like a top!

motorcraft 2150 .no extra lines , hoses n crap costs $25.00 for a boneyard carb and a $15.00 mr. gasket adapter plate an no more problems on at idle or steep inclines...gets better milage too...........