Check out this rollover video I found...


New member

Damn this video is Nucking Futs! I probably would have loaded my pants had I been the driver.

TJ Rollover

I was like OMG HOLY $*$^ OMG #@%# SON OF A %$#$ #$%@....

It was equipped with a full custom cage and once righted was driven out under its own power (amazingly)

edited by: RayOvac, Mar 06, 2003 - 05:19 AM[addsig]


Should have followed the spoters directions. I to would have need fresh drawers after that one. Man what a ride! tug :-O [addsig]


Damn that was a malox moment :lol: :lol: .............Bullet[addsig]

Forgot to mention that the driver was uninjured except for a little bump on the head...pretty lucky. Yeah tug I agree if she (it was a lady) had followed the spotters directions it probably wouldn't have happened.[addsig]


Geeesss!!!That was insane.Notice the part when she goes on 1 wheel.That was just incredible. Thanks :wink: Sully[addsig]
...damn could have been prevented, if the gas was not pushed when that front right wheel was in the air and landed, thats what gave it the push to flip over. if nebody knows what i am talking about right here ---> trials bike the game at, it is a real sim, well if u are on one wheel, the weight will go to the back and if u push the gas u will flip over....similiar to this vid.

We have spotters for a reason. I really dont' know why someone would want to climb UP a single side of a valley like that... he/she was straddling it just fine for a while