christmas shopping


New member
okies, i HATE christmas shopping.actually i hate shopping in general. but i need a mans help (seem to be lots on here, think its work a try)
Just started seeing a guy about 3 weeks ago. i have no idea what i'm supposed to get him, (no he doesnt drive a jeep) :| i'm like super stumped. its not like i know everything about him just the minor stuff. its not like i've asked him billions of questions. so yea what the popcical sticks do you get a guy you havnt known very long?

You can't go wrong with TOOLS!!!! Men love their tools, even if they've already got 'em!!! It should, at least, tell him that you know his mindset........and, DEFINITELY, NO TIES!!!! (unless, of course, you really don't like him!!):lol: :lol:

mudwoman just suggested a Lowe's (or Home Depot or whatever you got up there) gift certificate. Or maybe some auto parts store gift cert. 'Course, he doesn't own a Jeep, so who knows??? If he owns a house, he will be greatly appreciative of any gift certificate from any hardware or building supply place, trust me.
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check out this month's issue of JP, they're right on with the gift ideas, even for non-jeep people. Usually cannot go wrong with good burbon either...

Where is it written down that you have to buy him something?

bake him a pie.:D or make him some cookies...
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Personally I say go exotic and get him a free hour of range time at your local shooting range that offers automatic machine guns for rent and a few bricks of ammo. No man can resist!

If that doesn't inspire your Rambo sense of Christmas...try the Tim (the tool man) Taylor approach. No man today can resist a 154 piece tool kit from Craftsman. Shiny, chrome sockets...fancy rubber coated plyers...:p
And look on the bright side here when you buy that new jeep part for yourself this Christmas you can get your boy friend to bolt that sucker on for ya.:lol:

Something small, nothing too just started seeing him....besides if he isn't a keeper, it isn't a great loss. Tools are a great start if your certain he can use them, this could be a good test of whether he's a keeper or not.
Utah_jeepster said:
Personally I say go exotic and get him a free hour of range time at your local shooting range that offers automatic machine guns for rent and a few bricks of ammo....

Hello! they live in Canada! I don't think they enjoy the level of firearm freedom that we do..8) 8) 8) 8)
Something cheap - like under $25, since you've only been seeing him less than a month. Maybe a CD or a movie. Tickects to a comedy club for both of you would be cool.

Had a girlfriend give me a $50 check once. Nothing says "I didn't even bother to try" like cash.

TerryMason said:
Had a girlfriend give me a $50 check once. Nothing says "I didn't even bother to try" like cash.

in that kinda situation you thank her profusely and give her a $25 check :lol:
You can't go wrong with a whoopie cushion and some beef jerky- sends the "Hey, I'm a fun loving carnivore" message that will warm you to his heart.
mudwoman said:
You can't go wrong with a whoopie cushion and some beef jerky- sends the "Hey, I'm a fun loving carnivore" message that will warm you to his heart.
:purple: :rofl: :grin: :grin: :mad: :beer:

OMG!!!!! Tim is one lucky dude to have you!!! That's hilarious!!!!

I say go with the gift certificate at a "man store" as mentioned above.

I would work the homemade cookie or brownie angle...and/or booze!
YAY issue resolved. over the weekend i was talking to him and discussed the christmas present thing. we discided with a no go on the presents and that we'll just have to go out and do somthing super fun together. which is too bad cuase he said he was going to find a concert to take me to for christmas becuase he keeps calling me a loser cause i've never gone to one..... oh well... but i got him somthing small anyways... and i made him an angel for his sad looking christmas tree (just a little tree he cut off his parents golf course) its a barbie doll and if you look under her dresss shes wearing a blue thong ;) haha i'm such a dork... but that wont really be a christmas present.. i'll just put it on next time i'm over

You've never been to a concert?!? I think my head just exploded.
well Kalen says the Sharon Lois and Bram concert i say when i was about 3 doesnt count. But my birthday is next month so my guess is thats what i'll get for my birthday :D so i wont be a loser for too much longer
My first concert was Gerardo (you know - ...Rico...Suave) at the local amusement park. I guess that wasn't the turning point in my life which converted me from loser to absolute stud. I should stop typing now.
Everyone's suggesting tools. Sadly but true, not all guys like tools. My brother would kill me if I bought him tools for Christmas.

I actually like the "plan to get nothing for each other and then really get something small" idea.

As a fellow Canadian, You cant go wrong with a case of Beer. thats the best gift money can buy (for any Canadian guy anyway)