Clucth Adjustment


Welcome. I drive an 87 YJ and had to do a clutch job as mine started to get hard to get into gear. I have been told that you can extend the clutch push rod to buy you some time very little and i do not know the procedure. Other than that with a wet clutch I dont know of any way to adjust it. Looks like you may be in for a new clutch in the near future. These guys here are a whiz bang when it comes to jeep so they may have a better way than I. Tug[addsig]

First thing to look at is the resevoir for your clutch master cylinder. The cap is under the drivers side grill brace and rarley looked at. Sometimes when there is a little seep or drip the fluid (dot 3),gets so low that air mixes with it and causes hard shifting.

There have been other mentions of changing out the stock gear oil in the transmission with a synthetic. The stock oil (SAE 80-90 gear oil)seems to accelerate the wear of the synchronizer rings. But once there worn, new oil won´t help much, but may help them from wearing more.

I can´t remember off hand, the exact oil that is now recommended. I´m sure one of the other guys on the board can help you out.[addsig]

Chances are, my man, that you are experiencing the brass synchro blues.... there is a 70-90% chance that its not your clutch... its probably your transmission... jeep trannies are junk. sorry to break the harsh news... but thats more than often the situation. get yourself some new gear oil, possibly some redline or synchromesh fluid... make sure the gear oil is SAFE FOR YELLOW METALS(brass, bronze, etc..)[addsig]


funny you mention this friend has the exact same problem with his 88 Yj...has a brand new clutch in it only about 3 or 4 weeks old and it only grinds into 2nd gear...but the clutch system was well bled (and new master, slave, and lines too)...if you figure it out...let me and him would be highly interested!...oh and ps- if it's the transmission...well let's just say we hope it isn't![addsig]

I hate to be the one to break this news to everyone... but its gotta be said.... jeeps are notorious for losing synchronizers.... i'm on my second transmission now... it was used... the synchros are not the best in it... but better than the last.... EVERY time it happens... it grinds into second... then it starts to third... then possibly fourth... then you start to lose bearings... then its gone... totally.... sorry for ya.. but start lookin[addsig]

a new clutch will probably do nothing except giving you the piece of mind that you don't have to change it when you're changing the transmission



Thank All for the great advice. I think the 2nd gear syncro is shot so I will have to live with it for awhile.[addsig]

my t-176 is a little hard shifting into second doesnt grind or anything...just a firmer pull than 3 and 4 th wouldnt have the same probs as a ax5 or 15 would it????
i sure as hell hope not...[addsig]

Don't durability terms an AX5 or AX15 is a far cry from your T176. The T176 should last a very long time if taken care of...its a much better transmission than the cheaply made crappy Asian transmissions. I wish I had the money to get a good durable but yet streetable transmission like the NV4500...someday I will have one. My AX5 died as well and I am replacing it with a used one. Its sad to say but for jeeps the good ol days of the virtually indestructible D300 Tcase and durable T series transmissions are long gone.


i didnt think it would have the same prob but just wanted to make sure...better safe than sorry...[addsig]