Coolant leak from strange place


New member
RE: Help me pick a front bumper...

About a week ago, coolant started leaking from my 1997 Jeep Wrangler (4 cyl, 5 speed). Strange thing is, its not leaking from the radiator. Its not leaking from a hose. And as far as I can tell, its not leaking from the water pump.

It's leaking from 2 tiny pin-holes in some round shaped thing on the right side of the engine.

Man, if someone could help me out as to what it is, I'd be thrilled. Photos of the leak can be viewed here:


Have to agree. Looks like freeze plug. They can be pain to replace. Never done one on a Jeep, but on a chevy I did them from the botom, looking up at the engine. The press in. But first, you have to knock the old one out.

You gonna try to do it yourself?
AC setup for 89 YJ - 4.2 w/serpentine

ahhh... freeze plugs...been there / done that! the wonderful things that rot from the inside out - easy fix if you can get to them - just knock a screwdriver thru it, pry it out (like a seal) and then use a dead blow (rubber) mallet to tap the new one in - good luck... replace as many as you can reach - dont forget the heads - if you see it - swap it - you'll thank yourself later!

RE: Help me pick a front bumper...

thanks guys for letting me know that its a freeze plug... for the time being I've patched it with a glob of jb weld. And I made it to the gym and back no problem. When I get time to fix it for real, the screwdriver/rubber mallet technique sounds easy enough. Thanks a ton!
distributor: reversing hei

have one leaking on my CJ as well. Word to the wise..when you put ANY freeze plug in, make sure you can get a STRIGHT shot on it. You don't want it in uneven, and on the inline as i am seeing for myself, it is virtually impossible to do without removing intake and exaust manifolds.....have fun.
