Distributor position


New member
:redface:Alright, this is probably going to seem like a really stupid question to those of you who are actually mechanics.
I got my Jeep put back together after replacing the motor and transmission mount bolts and was replacing the parts that broke along with those bolts, the starter and distributor.
Got a new distributor and was putting it in when my 75 year old father in-law George(whom I love dearly along with his huge shop and 75 years worth of tools and expertise:rolleyes:) stepped in to help.
The distributor, both the old one and the new one, have a slot built in to the housing where it meets the engine. That slot, or notch lines up with a bolt that clamps it down tight and I had that all lined up and ready to go.
George took that loose and turned it so the slot was away from the bolt and said you have to be able to turn the distributor to get the timing right. Why would they have a slot on the housing unless you had to line it up?

I take it you have a 6 cylinder? I have a 91 yj 4 cylinder, the distriburator is fixed to bolt in one position,no turning of the distributor to adjust timeing.
When I bought the jeep it had a busted timeing chain,installed new timeing chain,got #1 piston on top dead center the rotor was pointing at #1 wire on the distributor. But I couldnt get the darn thing to start,went over and over takeing out the distributor and putting it back in with no luck, finally gave up and took it to a dealership, snd they had a problem with it,they called me in and I talked to the mechanic about what I had done.I had done everything right according to the book,come to find out the spark wasnt hitting the rotor in the middle of it ,but on the very tail end of it,so it was just one notch off from being correct. so just take this story into consideration if ya run into a problem getting it started, as far as your notch I would think it would have to line up, but then again Im not a professional.
Thanks for the info. It starts up fine, just seems to run a little rough. I did re-install it with the bolt in the slot and moved the plug wires accordingly. I'm thinking I just need new plugs now.
Your father-in-law is used to older engines where you could adjust the timing by spinning the distributor. You can not do that on these newer jeep engines where timing is controlled by the computer.

Your rough-running engine may be due to the distributor being off by one gear. There is a proper procedure in the FSM for installing the distributor, it includes correctly clocking the drive gear as it rotates slightly when lowered into the block.

thats the problem I had. but mine wouldnt start.