Does it really matter?


New member
I am starting this thread because I didn't want to hijack the other one going on now about the upcoming election.

Many of you know, I am a right-wing conservative (former) Republican, searching for a party to vote for.
The first time I voted for the president was for George H W Bush after President Regan, since then we have had Clinton for 8 years and then former president Bush's son for 8 years, does anyone see a pattern here?

We have let just a couple of families run the country for the past 20 years.
They told me to vote Republican if I wanted less taxes and less government in my life, I did, it didn't work.

I used to be the biggest fan of the current president Bush and really believed in him to carry the conservative agenda and do things like cut entitlements, secure our border with Mexico, do SOMETHING about illegal immigration, and quit growing government, it's too big already for crying out loud!

I have been let down big time and I don't even think I can listen to these candidates spewing their lying crap about "when I get elected president, I'm going to...." yeah yeah.. heard that all before.

Look at how the country is in it's current condition,and remember, the Clintons and Bush's have basically been in power and a bunch of do-nothing congressmen with their only worry in life is how to get re-elected and stay in power.

We have more federal troops guarding the border between Syria and Iraq then we do guarding our border with Mexico

The country is headed for a North American Union so fast, you can't even believe it.

Illegal aliens have invaded and are growing at an alarming rate.

Legal immigrants, at a rate of one million per year are replacing the American culture with their own. We used let less than 200,000 in per year until about 20 years ago, when congress upped it to 1,000,000 per year

There are still serious questions about everything that happened on 9-11

Gas is $3.00 and still we can't drill in ANWAR

The government wants to bail out people who bought houses they can't afford and I've nearly got my house paid for, "wheres my check?"

Just about everything is Made in Communist China and now they practically own our national debt along with other foreign interest. If you don't comprehend how series that is... well, you'd better get read up

Now the news (everything we see on TV news is packaged up for us to digest) reports that Iran sent boats to harass our ships, and we almost fired on them. guess where that's headed??

I just don't think any one man or political party can bring it all back, in the last 20 years, I've seen the nation just go downhill so fast and the poor slugs like us working are too busy paying for it all to look up and notice.

The only two people I would even consider voting for, because they at least acknowledge that the country is in a constitutional crisis, won't even stand a chance, because they don't have the BIG money or the media behind them and I'm not voting the "lesser of two evils" deal again.

I don't want to discourage anyone, but a shot of reality doesn't always taste good.

I don't walk around all day worrying about this, I just am aware of it, and my inability for stop it or even slow it down by voting for X or Y candidate.

I'm enjoying my life more now that I quit listening to the morons on talk radio all day talking about the word problems, but offering no solutions.

disgusted with politics,

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The first time I voted for the president was for George H W Bush after President Regan, since then we have had Clinton for 8 years and then former president Bush's son for 8 years, does anyone see a pattern here?

The pattern we need to break is our propensity to vote in Southerners...

...Yeah that's right heard me! :lol: :flamethro


I hear ya 90, it's tough. But I'll keep fighting the good fight...I have to. (of course, my politics are almost opposite of you, so when you read that line just replace "good" with "bad". ;)
The pattern we need to break is our propensity to vote in Southerners...

...Yeah that's right heard me! :lol: :flamethro


I hear ya 90, it's tough. But I'll keep fighting the good fight...I have to. (of course, my politics are almost opposite of you, so when you read that line just replace "good" with "bad". ;)

The Bush's are just as much from New England as anywhere, but we should consider banning anyone from Arkansas, West Virgina, or Kentucky from being elected for sure:funny: :funny: :D :lol: :purple:
The machine is too strong at this point to make any real changes through election because the general public has their heads too far up their butts to see the light of day. Each of the two parties uses their old tag lines to scare up the votes, and then they forget about us after they get those votes. You're right, does it really matter WHO we elect when after they are in office they just go back to playing the current games? "You vote for my bill, I'll vote for yours" or "I'll vote for your plan if you include funding for this little side project I'm working on". They fight in public and kiss in private. I have decided to put my efforts into changing the tools they work with instead of focusing on the fool curently using those tools. The Fair Tax is a step in the right direction, and I'm going to vote for which ever front runner CLAIMS to support it the most. At this point, it looks like that ninny Huckabee is my candidate.

I'm a conservative Libertarian BTW.
The country is headed for a North American Union so fast, you can't even believe it.

I'd rather have that I think. It probably wouldn't change much for the better at first, but over 20 years or so it would. I think that would be better then leaving Mexico up for grabs by the South American dictators (Hugo Chavez?). Plus, if a lot of industry is moving that direction to escape American high labor costs.....

I don't know much about politics, but I do know that this country and the world in general is headed for the worst before it ever starts to get better. I just hope I'm long gone before it happens. Until then I'll be wheeling!

On one hand, I want to elect Ron Paul. The man is the only candidate who even understands economics and he is the only one acknowledging the crisis our country is in financially. He is the only one who is willing to point out how venerable we are with our troops abroad. He is truly a patriot and I believe he would truly fight and fight hard for our nation's best interests. He's no nonsense, and he is known as "Dr. No" in congress. I like that.

On the other hand, I look at Mike Huckabee. Sure he has some non-conservative stuff in his past like raising taxes and giving healthcare to illegals' children, but I look at what happened in Arkansas after a long reign of liberals like the Clintons. He actually improved their schools from nearly dead last to the top 10% and did so during Bush's nightmare of no child left behind. He fixed their economy. I am sick of people comparing all these guy to Reagan, but Huckabee had a point when he told of Reagans tax increases as a California GOvernor. Surely Reagan was a great conservative, right?

I look at Huckabee's stances on the issues, and someof them seem to be a bit liberal, but then I hear hisexplanations in the debates. Theres solid resoning and not just obligation to campaign donations. If you look at his campaign, he is running it on a fraction of the cost of the others with far greater results at this point. The more I looked at him, I have come to realize he is very similar to Ron Paul, but with a different foreign policy. Not as hawkish as McCain, Guliani, and ther others but he knows we are stuck in a fight we cannot simply walk away from.

At this point, if I had to vote today, it would be for Huckabee. If the guy governs like he is campaigning then I won't be disappointed. That said, if Bush had...

Yeah, it's hard to trust any politician, but having a little faith in one of them is better than giving up all hope.

Mark, the country is in serious danger. Pat Buchannon has been warning of it for years, and all his predictions have rang true. This is a time that will test our society, test our democracy, and test the will and faith of American men and women. We need to vote, and we need to pray. Yes it matters.

edit - sorry for all the typos, and I don't have the time to fix 'em :(
I'd rather have that I think. It probably wouldn't change much for the better at first, but over 20 years or so it would. I think that would be better then leaving Mexico up for grabs by the South American dictators (Hugo Chavez?). Plus, if a lot of industry is moving that direction to escape American high labor costs.....

I don't know much about politics, but I do know that this country and the world in general is headed for the worst before it ever starts to get better. I just hope I'm long gone before it happens. Until then I'll be wheeling!

One North American Union coming right up!

What sides would you like with that today?

We have:

Loss of Civil Liberties(you won't be gathering to protest your government any longer

If you are charged with a crime, now you have to answer to a NAU Court, not an American one, remember.. no more America

Lets see, you won't be needing those guns any longer for hunting or anything else

That "public" land your wheeling on is now NAU controlled and off limits

In order to be a good citizen of the NAU, we need you to get this bio-chip implant, that includes your wife and kids too, if not you'll be considered a threat to the Union. We already have some camps set up to send people like you to

do you have room for desert also?

listen to Ron Paul shut Carl Cameron up during a debate.

YouTube - Ron Paul @ Fox Debate Pt.7 1-10-08

I saw that. He consistantly and effectively detroys their attemts to make him look like a kook.

It is disturbing the silence of the other candidates after he speaks. They dare not take him on as they know he will make mincemeat of them.

If only he would acknowledge that an all out and immediate removal of troops abroad would be a mistake. Our interests are well beyond our borders, due to our enslavement to foreign oil and our current lack of manufacturing goods of our own (even food). I love the idea of being self sufficient and not relying on foreign anything, but realistically we have a lot of work to do before that is possible. We have woven a tangled web.