Febraury Frenzie


New member
The February Frenzie ride to be held at Gray Rock is Feb. 6,7,8.
That's in Mt. Olive, AL...a few miles north of Birmingham.
I have been there many times and it is a great place to wheel. They have trails that are rated for bone stock and up. The parking area is centrally located and in case you tear something up, they usually have repair tent set up to assist in welding, etc...
There is likely to be local newpaper as well as national magazine coverage.
Check out www.grayrockorv.com

It's this weekend guys, anyone else going with me and rooster? You'll regret not going.
Wish I could MerkL... can't take the time off right now :( I'll catch up with you guys sometime soon though. Sounds like fun! Get plenty of pics!
I'm not going to make it this weekend to the Frenzy. I have too much going on with work and the new house. It broke my Bogger's heart when I told them. They have been watching it rain here in Huntsvegas for two days and were all ready to sling some goo.
The trails should be nice and wet this weekend. Rmember that the trail ratings go up a point or two if it's wet. Have fun and tell all my boys I'll catch them on the next ride.
P.S. Be sure to attend the raffle...they give away all kinds of goodies.