Flywheel Identification


Staff member
If you can find a part number stamped into the flywheel, you can identify it that way. The '74-80 Jeep factory parts manual gives the following part numbers for each flywheel:

'80 4-cyl 813 2267
'74-79 6-cyl 321 2623
'80 6-cyl 323 6257
'74-79 304 v8 321 2651
'80 304 v8 323 6523
'74-80 360 v8 321 2653
'74-78 401 v8 321 2655

All '74-80 Jeep flywheels share the same ring gear.
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'74-80 360 v8 321 2653
This is axactly what I need for my build. Now I just need to find one.