Foot Ball, Hang Over's, Jeepen, or what?


New member
So there is not much going on here at Jeepz so I just thought I would ask to see how did you spend the first day of 2004.

Me I am just sticken close to the house and layen low. Movie or two to watch and enjoying time with the family. Hope you too are haven a good holiday. This is my favorite holiday cause it marks the end of this winter stop everthing else season. sick to death of good cheer and maddness. Time to get back out there and get after it. Tax time just around the corner. tug

I went in to work and cashed in on double time and a half :wink: , like I do every New Years day. Thought I was gonna have to pass it up this year, but everybody's feeling a little better.
i am relaxing a little. i rode my four wheeler this morning and now i want to lay around and get rid of my hangover.
went wheeling and broke ..front end locked up soild. i cant wait till i get my 9 inch and dana 44 under my rig..i have had nothing but axle problems for the past year now. :cry: hopefully i will have better luck this year. :lol:

Been raining like heck out here, San Jose. Went outside and pulled the plugs on the CJ to let the water out. Spending time with my son, up from Camp Pendleton, he'll be leaving for Iraq soon, his 2nd tour, was there for the beginning of the war, and his wife, soon to have their first child. Playing a few card games with the kids, they think too fast!!! Anyway, Happy New Year!!!
I hung out for most of the day, then went to the three clowns, and got front struts for the wife's minivan. Right now, I'm trying to finish off our half full quarter keg, cause it has to go back tomorrow.
Just sittin' here hung over and puking my guts out....drank way too much last night. Not only was it New Years but my friend had his 2 friends come over from NewFoundland, Nova Scotia. They all have funny Newfie accents. Anyways, they wanted me to take the Newfie test....never heard of it before so I said why not. Turns out I had to close my eyes, stand on one foot, take a shot of Screech (really nasty Newfie rum) and kiss a Codfish. Well, turns out I passed the test and I'm paying for it now. I think the Crown Royal and beer along with the Screech has something to do with it.

Hungover!!! haha, i had to work from noon to 6 and I went to bed at 630 in the morning! So much fun! Had a little run in with the law (I talked my way out of it though). Anyways, I felt like I was gonna yak the whole time at work but I fought my way through it!
Hey 2 other NorCals!!noskils32, 2jeep2think, Maybe we should start a Northern Cali Chapter!! I'll be moving back soon. I miss it.

Anyway, I worked so I didn't partake on NY's eve. In furniture, this is one of the biggest times of the year. Made lot's of $$. But not worth it, I'd rather be hungover like the rest of you.
Went hill climbing in the Jeep with the wife, scared the hell out of her a couple times and managed to not break anything, so it was a good day :)

Watched some good ole Iowa football. They looked great.
I ate the traditional New Year's Day lunch, consisting of black eyed peas for luck (collard greens are for money, but they are nasty so I guess I'll be broke again). Then took the Jeep out of the garage, aired up the tires, did a few burnouts and put it on the trailer for the big ride this weekend.
Watched part of the Rose Parade, then went with my dad to work.He worked on his jeep and I worked on mine.From 12-5.It was a good day of just working on the jeeps.Now he wants me to go back on saturday. :D

Worked on the cars. Had to fix my wifes door. It wouldn't open from the outside, she was sick of crawling across. Then I fixed the tilt on the Jeep. Played a few games and went to bed. Pretty boring just like I like it.
Went to the best football game that I have ever gone to! Oh yes my friends, went to the Rose Bowl and watched my Trojans win a share of the National Championship! It was a blast! Also did the parade thing in the morning which was actually very cool. Thought I was gonna be bored but those floats are really amazing, the TV does nothing for that parade. I highly recommend.

Fight On!!
I spent it hungover. for the first time in my life i actually got a hangover, and yes i do drink often and in decent quantities(being a college student and all)