New member
Our members range from young to not so young and include individuals with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests which make for a very colorful, diverse group.
Even though we have a lot of diversity in our club, all of our members share the same motivation in regards to ensuring the continued success of our club.
Our club takes pride in the fact that our members are both active and are readily available to assist other members with anything and everything Jeep related.

[h=1]ABOUT US.........[/h]
The Indy Jeep Junkies Jeep Club was officially formed in June of 2013 by Dave Bowles. We are a family friendly Jeep club organized to bring Jeep owners, of all models, with similar interests together. We are committed to helping you [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]truly enjoy owning your Jeep.
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Jeep vehicles are some of the most capable off road [/FONT]vehicles in the world and our club members embrace this fact and pursue challenges that allow them to see these capabilities first hand. Indy Jeep Junkies is quickly becoming central Indiana's most active and admired Jeep club. Our number one goal is creating the best membership experience possible and ensure our event focus is always "Jeep" motivated.
Our club is not solely a dedicated off road club. Our events range from simple BBQ's to off road/trail runs at local off road parks. All of our events are always family and kid friendly. Never will the club's events/activities exclude any Jeep type, stock or modified. All Jeep owners and models are welcome!
Club Gatherings and Events
• Indy Jeep Junkie Night – First (1st) Thursday of every month.
• Trail Rides & Monthly Events – Structured trail rides or club events are scheduled on the third (3rd) Saturday of each month.
• Community Events – our club prides itself in giving back to the community. We will support our community through charitable donations an Indy Jeep Junkies, participation in community events (parades, fundraiser events (poker runs), etc).
• Side Events – at various times, we also get together for other events. These include off road and on road wheeling, movies, bowling, camping, go-kart riding, etc.
There is a membership fee of $20.00. However, your immediate family (spouse/significant other and children) are considered Associate members and their membership is FREE. Membership dues must be paid 15 days after your membership has been accepted.
Membership Defined - When you join Indy Jeep Junkies you will be permitted to vote on club business, participate in club committees or specialty groups. Your spouse/significant other and children will be automatically enrolled as Associate Members.
Associate Membership Defined - The spouse/significant other and children of a Member are automatically classified as Associate Members (free) and are welcome to join in all club activities and events. Associate Members are also permitted to sit on club committees and can vote on club business.
Even though we have a lot of diversity in our club, all of our members share the same motivation in regards to ensuring the continued success of our club.
Our club takes pride in the fact that our members are both active and are readily available to assist other members with anything and everything Jeep related.


[h=1]ABOUT US.........[/h]
[*=center]ABOUT US
The Indy Jeep Junkies Jeep Club was officially formed in June of 2013 by Dave Bowles. We are a family friendly Jeep club organized to bring Jeep owners, of all models, with similar interests together. We are committed to helping you [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]truly enjoy owning your Jeep.
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Jeep vehicles are some of the most capable off road [/FONT]vehicles in the world and our club members embrace this fact and pursue challenges that allow them to see these capabilities first hand. Indy Jeep Junkies is quickly becoming central Indiana's most active and admired Jeep club. Our number one goal is creating the best membership experience possible and ensure our event focus is always "Jeep" motivated.
Our club is not solely a dedicated off road club. Our events range from simple BBQ's to off road/trail runs at local off road parks. All of our events are always family and kid friendly. Never will the club's events/activities exclude any Jeep type, stock or modified. All Jeep owners and models are welcome!
Club Gatherings and Events
• Indy Jeep Junkie Night – First (1st) Thursday of every month.
• Trail Rides & Monthly Events – Structured trail rides or club events are scheduled on the third (3rd) Saturday of each month.
• Community Events – our club prides itself in giving back to the community. We will support our community through charitable donations an Indy Jeep Junkies, participation in community events (parades, fundraiser events (poker runs), etc).
• Side Events – at various times, we also get together for other events. These include off road and on road wheeling, movies, bowling, camping, go-kart riding, etc.
There is a membership fee of $20.00. However, your immediate family (spouse/significant other and children) are considered Associate members and their membership is FREE. Membership dues must be paid 15 days after your membership has been accepted.
Membership Defined - When you join Indy Jeep Junkies you will be permitted to vote on club business, participate in club committees or specialty groups. Your spouse/significant other and children will be automatically enrolled as Associate Members.
Associate Membership Defined - The spouse/significant other and children of a Member are automatically classified as Associate Members (free) and are welcome to join in all club activities and events. Associate Members are also permitted to sit on club committees and can vote on club business.