From Tj to a Cj


New member
No i didnt get a new jeep i cut the fenders flat to look like an old style Cj will have pics soon... open up my wheel wells so much! Looks great not abd for a kid who didnt know what he was doin with a dremel lol :lol:

I've seen a few done like that, great mod. Like to see how it turned out
theres a couple guys in my jeep club whove gone flatfender with a dremel, it looks great, makes it look bigger and more open for sure

yea... i'm one of those who shouldn't be allowed to play w/power tools either... planning on flat fendering my YJ soon.... lets see some pics!
A dremel may take a while but at least you know you'll get a nice clean cut. I used one to cut out my bro's wheel wells this weekend to install tj flaires on his yj.