Fuel flow


New member
I have a 1990 yj with a carter carb but the cater isn;t my prob its ideling fine. In the mornings ill get it crank her up and give some gas and 5 to 10 secs later it will just cut off. When i try and crank it again it wont turn over. :evil: I took a look at it a found out that no fuel was getting to the carb. so i pulled the gas line off at the carb. and noticed there was no gas there. Then i decided to prime the line by getting someone to turn the key. Here came the gas just shooting out. I hooked tthe line back to the carb and tried to crank and after about 5 secs of turning the key it started and runs great.
Almost every morning i have to go through this to get my jeep to stay running. Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this? Could it be the fuel pump?

Just a guess... Gas is draining back down the line and it takes some cranking to get it pumped back up to the carb?
can someone please help me wiht this madder. NOw my jeep is not even starting. No gas is going through the carb. But if i pull the fuel line off going into the carb and turn the key here comes the gas. does anyone no what the prob might be any help would be nice.
sounds like you need to clean the fuel filter in the carb ( if you have one) some carbs have a filter screen where the fuel line connects to the carb.. unhook the line, and see if there is one there. if so, this may be your culprit. also, might be a float adjustment issue, or a plugged jet. i'd recommend a rebuild if the filter is clean.