Fun Facts about Jeepz


New member
May 19th Gas boycott?

At this point in time we have 4401 members listed. Out of that number only 1014 members have taken the time to make at least 1 post. out of the total only 224 members have made 25 or more post.

There are only handful or so that keep the jeepz board going when you look at it as a % type thing. Less than 25% of all the members have posted at all. tug :roll:

Some of those people are the ones who only posted to advertise an item under the forsale section. We should require post min. to use that forum.

Also, the non-posters should be elimated/deleted after say 6 months of inactivity.

Just my 2.
I dont mind if people come and only make there one post asking a question. Some people just dont have the time or are just not jeep addicts like we are. :twisted: But thats fine. I do have a problem with people soliciting and just posting there junk everywhere and then leaving. I would only like the 6 month emimination thing, if it would work on the people with less than 50 posts. Cause people like BBJ will be back again and others too.

It is annoying when somebody posts something for sale only to never check that post again. But then again maybe it was never meant to be ;)

Funny facts about the percentages of those that post. You can click on any username to find out more facts and percentages about that user, like what percentage of total posts that user has posted, and how many posts per day on average. It can point out just how sick we are ;)
I'm pretty sick. I can't help but to log on and read the posting from everyone. It's like I'm compelled by some ungodly force. Must - read - Jeepz.

Re: Ill Wait

Then you also have guys like me, who come here to get a better idea what to get. Once I get a jeep I am sure I will be much more active.
O2 sensor

...and only 54 members that have over 300 posts. Those are the folks that keep this place going.

And the top 10 are:
1 Tug-n-pull 4378
2 Bounty__Hunter 4119
3 Snitty 3891
4 jhiggins 2530
5 jps4jeep 2085
6 far_right 1999
7 Sully 1816
8 dingus 1701
9 TwistedCopper 1700
10 L33TJ33P 1177

Me too Mingez. I may not post alot but I read every post. I'm addicted. "Hi, My name is Todd and I'm addicted to Jeepz." :shock:
:roll: Interesting thoughts.

You'll not find a forum or group anywhere though that the majority of the members actually are involved on.

I'm actually growing away from jeepz for several reason I guess. I don't think I'll up and dissapear, but I don't read posts but once or twice a week now and I don't read them all.

Take care and Jeep on.

Hi my name is Steven and I have a Jeepz problem...and a jeep problem....and a money problem...
I am not a big poster but I do my share. I help those in need where I know of the problem. I let the others do it when I have a clue but not for sure.
This is like any other club or such. Our local jeep club has about 80 members or so and a core group of 20 that are at every meeting...out leading the trail rides and doing the work.
There is nothing wrong with that...
But I would have to agree with Mingez and Sully no posting in 6 months.. you loose your account and will have to re-open it...and say a minimum set of posts before you start posting things for sale...
But I am not Terry and I can live with it...since I dont know you how am I going to trust you when buying jeeps parts from ya?
From the core group I would have no problems sending money on any thing sight un-seen.
The six month thing is a great idea, but wouldn't that mean Terry has to go through THOUSANDS of extinct members and delete thier accounts? That would suck, and I'm sure Terry has better things to do... it took him a while just to get everyones post count back up when the site changed over some months back. Just leave em, for the sake of Terrys' free time, they are like gravesites, cyber gravesites.
I have been so busy lately, I feel like a bad person for not contributing to the forum more, I would hate to see this site out of commission. I have learned so much here and tried to pass that knowledge onto others. I got off the Jeep bug for about two weeks because I went through a golfing and bowling phase, but Jeeps have replaced those two hobbies as my number one life devotion.

I have such little free time at home that for awhile I only had time to check out the site from work. But now Big Brother blocked the Jeepz domain so I can't visit from work anymore. I haven't forgotten about the site, I just have to squeeze some time in from my busy "new daddy" schedule to log in from home from now on. I wish my home workload was more flexible like my job's workload. I'm getting lazy in my "old age".
I love this place. I come on here and learn new stuff, have a good laugh, talk to a great group of people, and get to feel like I might be helping a fellow Jeeper out every once in a while.
I too am addicted to Jeeps AND Jeepz, I can't help it.
I am a recent transferee. Now that I getting rid a my XJ I kinda felt like I was an intruder to XJ/MJ forum I was at so I found this place and its great. I knew there was a select few people with beefed up grands there is not many around here. It's nice to have input from all types of jeeps the variety of info is great. This is a great place, dont let it go to the one time posters. There is several forums out there and I chose this one because of well first of all its free and the relatively small group here is quite helpful and seem to have a desire to help out a fellow jeeper or soon to be jeeper.

Yeah, i'm with Stubb, I like that Jeepz is not an uber-mega site with 4000+ regular posters, you always get the answers you need and don't have to sort through endless back logs to find your question from a few days earlier
The forum speed is just right for me, not too much of a chore to keep current, and to find answers to relatively recent posts. Not like JU where your post goes to the second and third page within an hour or less.

Nice to see the new jeepz faces and to see that they have a lot to offer other jeepers. Keep up the good work.
D44 front with Vacuum disco

I don't post all that often because I still consider myself a rookie, and when I do know something, somebody usually beats me to the punch. But I read the posts just about every night... I am an addict. My girlfriend hates it, but I learn so much. I can't tell you how much easier some of my projects have gone after reading and asking about things on this site.

Anybody located in Alaska?

south442 said:
...and only 54 members that have over 300 posts. Those are the folks that keep this place going.

And the top 10 are:
1 Tug-n-pull 4378
2 Bounty__Hunter 4119
3 Snitty 3891
4 jhiggins 2530
5 jps4jeep 2085
6 far_right 1999
7 Sully 1816
8 dingus 1701
9 TwistedCopper 1700
10 L33TJ33P 1177

Crud... I'll never make it to the top 10 at this rate :roll:
Then again, post counts are meaningless anyways. :p :mrgreen:

-Nick :!: