Gobble Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving Jeepzers!

What are you all thankful for? Me? I'm just thankful we are all healthy and have a nice 4 day weekend together.
Woke up this morning lookin' out at the mountains again!!!.....................Me (we)??........we're VERY thankful!!

Its gonna be a good day, prime rib and turkey all afternoon... I'm not leaving till I have to be carried out!

Me? I'm thankful everyday for the family I was blessed with and that I've been given the oppurtunities in life that I've had already at 20
Enjoy every minute with your family and friends.....Happy thanksgiving...... Icing on the cake is a 12 pack and some football, what a great day.
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Rememeber to be thankful and remember to whom to give the thanks.
I have been thankful for God's watchcare over my family this past year.
I was reminded by a dear friend not only to be thankful for what we have, but for some things I don't have as well, sickness and other problems also.

And if any of you get tricked into going out tommorrow in that mess, good luck.;)

And if any of you get tricked into going out tommorrow in that mess, good luck.;)
LMAO... No way, no how, no sir... not me. I hate shopping as it is, there ain't no way I'd go out in all that chaos :!:

That would be like going out for bread and milk just before an inch of snow.
Well all in all I guess It was not to bad. But this was the first thanksgiving since my brother passed away so It was a little hard especially for my parents. This was the first time we all went out for dinner instead of cooking so that was weird, but the rest of the family were together and mostly healthy, It was good to be back home!