Good News on Lady!


New member
8) 8) Hey Hey Hey

My jeep was finally finished this past Wednesday. I picked it up that night and haven't stopped since. Well we had a busy weekend of family things going on anyway and I'm working today as always but otherwise, I am running the roads once again.

I've stayed ON ROAD so far, but have played in the mud and rain puddles on those roads. We are under considerable rain here in MD this week. It feels really good to be on my own wheels again.

AND on another note, I chose an apartment complex this week to move into. I was approved and have put a deposit on a unit that will be open for me on May 5th. It is a sweet place, fairly large and has all the fixings like diswasher, disposal, washer, dryer, and fireplace, and pool. I'm still looking for a house as well but they just weren't panning out for me so I broadened my search to apartments and found this one set in a nice quiet community not far from where I used to live (but far enough to not be crime ridden).

So, the past two months you haven't heard me say much about life or jeeping cuz I didn't have either but that is finally about to change. Just thought I'd share the good news with ya'll! You were all a big help to me as far as support when this all went down and I thank you for it!

P.S. I'm tossing around the april paragon thing too, for those coming down for that. I need to check some dates with some people but it may be possible!


lift kit for 87 yj

Great to hear, Heather!!!! Glad the TJ's back on the road. If you don't mind my askin', what was the total damage ($$$)?
Mud, I don't mind. I paid about 200 bucks for the parts from the stealership. The tools were borrowed and the labor done by friends.

That truly is good news. Very glad to hear you'll be in a more comfortable neighborhood!
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Politics, religion, and her

Glad to hear your back on the road. Keep on truckin'