Google Earth Locations


Active member
Darn you mingez, now I'm addicted :lol: I've been plotting points on here that aren't listed or easy to find, and the Mrs is miffed cause I won't let her play on the earth :twisted:

Here are some Locations of interest.... Add some if you find them

1: The Golden Gate Bridge 37°49' N - 122°28'41.00" W

2: Alcatraz Prison 37°49'36.00" N - 122°25'23.00" W

3: Where I live 30°10'30.98" N - 97°50'37.47" W

4:Where I growed up wrong :wink: 41°21'06.00" N - 82°24'02.00" W

5: Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame 41°30'30.00" N - 81°41'43.00" W

6: Where I first met my wife, :roll: LOVE STRUCK, HUH? 41°25'39.00" N - 82°19'47.00" W

World Trade Center Ground Zero - 40°42'42.00" N - 74°00'45.00" W

My apartment- 34° 0'18.66"N - 118°25'42.61"W

The place where a whole lot of butt has been whipped over the past couple of seasons - 34° 0'50.23"N - 118°17'16.50"W (and will be this season too!)

Where I spend most of my summer working - 36°37'52.05"N - 118°36'12.13"W
What were you doing @ - 36°37'52.05"N - 118°36'12.13"W?!?

That is one of my research areas in the Sierra Nevada, in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park. I highly recommend!
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Laptop Stolen

Pretty Cool Trails @ 30° 18' 02.19" N - 97° 49' 46.33" W @3000ft. up!
You deffinetly need a Jeep to get to this

RE: Re: RE: Audio question...

Pretty Cool Trails @ 30° 18' 02.19" N - 97° 49' 46.33" W @3000ft. up!

Only 3000?? Now I have to go check Google Earth. The GPS we had with us was reading 6600' :)
It's Coming Together. FINALLY, huh?

onyxdragon said:
Pretty Cool Trails @ 30° 18' 02.19" N - 97° 49' 46.33" W @3000ft. up!

Only 3000?? Now I have to go check Google Earth. The GPS we had with us was reading 6600' :)
Not ground level above sea level, above the ground. If you download google earth you'll see. There should be a post here in GENERAL by mingez about Google Earth

That's a really cool program. They need to update my area though, my house isn't even there yet, and it was built five years ago. Still VERY cool!!
It is cool. I downloaded it yesterday afternoon and the forgot about it. I remembered it again late last night and was only going to peek at it.

Several hours later, I went to bed. But it was worth it...