Half top


New member
I have been thinking about getting a mid 2000's wrangler and putting a best top half top on it. Has anyone had any issues with there's leaking?

With the half top you're going to get water in the Jeep (obviously) because the rear is all open. The water will find its way up front as you drive around so you'll end up with wet floors (remove the drain plugs). I have run the Best Top header bikini top and had no leaks at the windshield or door tops. I took apart the OEM door surrounds and used the top part only when I installed the bikini. This kept the top nice and tight - no pooling. During really hard rain I use an end curtain to keep most of the rain from blowing in from behind. I would assume the Best Top half top should fit just as well or better. Doors off + Bikini top = Max Fun. Best of luck - John
You can buy a tanno type cover for the rear and this should keep it pretty sealed. The Best top half top comes with rear cover, bikini, and a rear window that mount right behind front seats and best tops says that it will seal the cab from the element. I have a 02 tj for sale if you are interested. It is posted in the for sall section. Thanks