Hey Gang!


New member
well no one probably noticed...but I haven't been on much lately. Reason is....after 6 months of unemployment due to last employer closing the doors I finally got a job! Yup...gotta be all responsible and stuff. Went to work 4/25 as a Service Advisor at the local Chevy Dealership(why couldn't it have been Jeep? :? ).

PLUS..Wife and I, about 3 weeks prior, started a Lawn Service Company. We have already gotten7 residential and 2 commercial accounts so every spare moment is spent at the end of a weedeater while she mows.... :shock: . Something wrong there...I need to be on the mower! :p

Anyway...sure missing out on all the chit-chat here with friends. I'll try to drop in from time to time.


Someone PLEASE keep Mingez out of trouble! :twisted:

girl + jeep

HEY!!!! It's good to hear from you man!

Good job on finding the Job :lol: . The Jeep Dealership would have been cool, but there's nothing wrong with Chevy's either :wink:
RE: girl + jeep

Keep me out of trouble? Not possible! :twisted:

Hey, I noticed you were gone, and sent you a PM about it. But alas, you didn't reply. Good luck in your endeavors Terry!

Re: RE: Will it ever quit snowing???

You vanished off the earth a month or so ago. I pondered where you went. Sounds like good news to be back to work. Good luck with that! Welcome back!
Re: RE: Re: RE: Will it ever quit snowing???

Yeah, I missed you, Terry. So glad to hear things are looking up for you!!! Keep in touch when ya can!
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Now my TJ

Congrats on the job....and there is nothing wrong with working at a chevy dealership. Let me know if you have any hookup on vettes :)

I was wondering where in the h#ll you went!?! Congrats on the job(s)! Good to see ya chime back in.