

New member
RE: 87 yj questions

And here I thought I was pretty good with computers!
Can anyone explain to me how to attach pictures?
I have some of a somewhat recently installed lift and tires.

Check the "Forum Related" section - very good tutorials there.
RE: Re: RE: will this transmission work ?

Welcome to Jeepz! (and BTW, this should probably been posted in "Forum Related :wink: but no biggie)

Well, there is a very good tutorial on how to "Post" images under the "Forum Related" section of the message board.

Recently, Terry (the creator of Jeepz) added an "Attachment" feature which will allow you to upload a pic without the need to host it on a site first.

When composing your message there is a button marked: "Add an Attachment" at the bottom of your screen.

Truth be told, this is the first time I've even used it on this site, because I usually host the pic on my photobucket site, and then I link to it.

The only disadvantage of the attachment is that it has a file title and info box that surrounds the pic. (Very hard to see cause it's white)
An example of the attachement pic is below:
Here are some examples of a "Hosted" pics linked to this site:





If you need help with the tutorial, just PM me.