Hot tops


New member
I've been wanting to get a hard top and carpeting for my cj7 but I've heard hard tops keep in moister ?
The hard tops are fine but they are heavy and take two people to take them off, they are warmer in the winter though. Its the carpet that holds moisture and water.
my jeep gets mold inside now that the hardtop has been off and i am using a soft top. i never had this trouble till i went to a year round soft top

Well if its not the top then what's the best carpeting to get for comfort and looks , sound also
Well if its not the top then what's the best carpeting to get for comfort and looks , sound also

I would say anything precut to fit your jeep should be fine. Once I finish lining the inside of my tub I am going to out carpet also. My wife's 93 had stock carpet and it made daily driving very nice because it was quiet and helped keep the ac in
My opinion is that any carpet is fine, as long as you keep it dry. If you see rain with the top off then go with some carpet floor mats under your feet that you can lift out. Any carpet that stays wet will cause your floor pans to rust or mildew.

At to hard tops, I'd add to what 69jeepcj said in that it's not only two people to put it on and off, but two strong people (it wasn't something my wife and I could do). It's not as heavy, as much as it was unwieldy. I liked having a hard top on my old CJ7, but it was something that stayed on all winter, then I'd mow around it in the summer. Too bulky for alot of on and off again.

Ya all I have is a bikini top , I'm planing on getting a hard top and just keep that on and never take it off , then carpeting so I can roll with hard doors then if I want I can just get bar doors to put on
i did that for a while. but since i have to take the top on and off by myself, i ended up with a softopper. it was very heavy alone and so oddly shaped that any bit of wind while you were lifting it off caused it to lose control. its to expensive to break because of stupid wind blowing it while you are moving it. i ended up making some racks under the back porch so i could back up to it when i want it back on but its still a pain to do

I doubt many people in this forum run in places with more moisture than me; I live in Panama (the one in Central America, no to be confused with the one in FL), and wheel here and in Costa Rica. I have both carpet and hard top, and yes, it is the carpet that will hold the moisture. My hard top is in dire need of new weatherstripping, as when it rains, the water puddles in the passenger side floor and the rear of the Jeep gets nice and wet... Still, nothing like decent insulation to make the AC cool on 110* weather! I would not get rid of either. Actually, I replaced my carpet about a year or two ago with a mossback one, and could not be happier!

EDIT: I do take the carpet out of the Jeep when I go wheeling, but it is usually in there. If it gets wet, I will also take it out and hang it in my house so that it dries up.