How do I get out rusted body mount bolts without breaking th


New member

I have a 93YJ. I went to pull out my body mounts to install a 1" body lift and broke one of them (rear right). Is there any easy way to get these things out?....They are all rusted in place. I tried drilling the one I broke out but the hardened steel won't drill. Is there any special drill bits that will work?.....mabye a diamond bit?....or am I just screwed now?[addsig]


penatrating oil and heat are your friends.

I would spray all the bolts up every day for a week before you remove them

and access to torches is wonderful[addsig]

what happens as you turn the nut off all that rust and dirt jams the nut . you need to clean the threads [wire brush] and use some kind of oil on the threads. heating the nut will expand it. their"s also a tool that will split the nut to get it off.

Just let them break when removing, then replace with new bolts and anti-seize. It is the easiest way to do this.[addsig]


If I do this I'll have the same problem I have now with the right rear....the broken half will still be left inside the body which means I can't thread another bolt into it.[addsig]